Strong Readers Act
The Strong Readers Act provides a foundation for student academic success.
The purpose of the Strong Readers Act is to ensure that progression from one grade to another is determined, in part, upon proficiency in reading, that school district board of education policies facilitate reading instruction and intervention services to address student reading needs, and that each student and his or her parent or legal guardian be informed of that student’s reading progress.
For the Student
The Strong Readers emphasizes use of curriculum and instructional practices based on scientific research in order to prevent reading difficulties when possible and provide instructional supports as quickly as possible when needed. The ability to read proficiently by the end of third grade significantly reduces the need for remediation in middle and high school and lowers the risk of a student dropping out of school because he or she is unable to read.
How SDE Can Help
The Oklahoma State Department of Education (SDE) is assisting school districts as they work to ensure all students are able to read proficiently.
Please see the following helpful resources based on the topics below.
View laws and rules related to the Strong Readers Act
See a guide and resources to support families with helping their students read at home.
Resources on assessments, Strong Readers report submissions, and technical guidance to support districts.
Find invaluable resources to learn about research on literacy.
Reading Sufficiency
- Main Page
- Strong Readers Act
- Strong Readers Amira
- Strong Readers Legislation
- Strong Readers for Families
- Strong Readers for Schools
- OSDE Literacy Initiatives
- HEROES Literacy Instruction Team
- Literacy Research
- Literacy Professional Development
Contact Information
Deann Jones
Project Director,
Reading Sufficiency
(405) 522-4098
Melissa Ahlgrim
Program Director, Literacy Policy & Programs
(405) 522-1591
Chelsea Lewis
Administrative Assistant
(405) 522-8131