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The School and District Supports Division is the home of the Offices of Child Nutrition, Family and Community Engagement, School Support, and Student Development.
Child Nutrition
The Office of Child Nutrition manages the National School Lunch Program, National School Breakfast Program, After School Snack Program, Seamless Summer Option, Special Milk Program, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, Equipment Grant, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Family Day Care Home, At-Risk After-School Program and Summer Food Service Program.
Family & Community Engagement
The Office of Family and Community Engagement manages the agency's expanded learning work, specifically the Title IV, Part B - Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center program and the ESSER Afterschool and Summer Learning and Enrichment grants, along with other special projects, are administered by this office.
School Safety & Security
In accordance with HB2903, the Office of School Safety and Security provides SRO training and claims management for all districts. SSS provides BTAs for 38 grant recipient districts, provides new principal and superintendent training in school safety and security, and serves as OSDE contact for the RAVE panic button.
School Support
The Office of School Support works with designated school sites in the creation of a Continuous Improvement Plan that is based on the site's needs assessment. Support Specialists visit sites monthly to support the implementation and revision of the plan. Support is given in claiming Title 1003a funding that is aligned with the approved budget.
Student Development
The Office of Student Development houses College and Career Readiness, Comprehensive School Counseling, Prevention and Intervention Services, and School-Based Mental Health.