Event | Date(s) |
ELP Band Exit Committee Request Window |
8/1/24 - 8/30/24 |
WIDA Precode in Accountability Reporting |
11/04/24 - 11/19/24 |
WIDA AMS Test Setup |
12/3/24 - 3/21/25 |
Districts Receive Test Materials |
1/6/25 - 1/7/25 |
Test Window |
1/6/25 - 3/21/25 |
Additional Test Material Ordering Window |
1/6/25 - 3/14/25 |
Deadline for Shipping Materials |
3/28/25 |
Pre-reporting Data Validation in WIDA AMS |
4/9/25 - 5/6/25 |
Districts Receive Reports in WIDA AMS |
5/22/25 |
Data Verification (DVR) Window |
Districts Receive Printed Reports |
6/9/25 - 6/10/25 |
Districts Receive Alternative ACCESS Reports - Online |
9/20/24 |
Districts Receive Alternative ACCESS Reports - Printed |
10/10/24 |
English Language Proficiency
The Office of English Language Proficiency (OELP) provides guidance and support to teachers, districts and other stakeholders regarding legal obligations, the WIDA assessment, the ELPA Indicator, instructional practices and professional development to support English Learners (EL) in Oklahoma schools.
Office of English Language Proficiency Assessment Calendar
Starting the 2023-2024 SY, English learner students need be assigned a WAVE code for the type of LIEP program they have been assigned to:
ELIS Coding:
- IS1 – Transitional Bilingual.
- IS2 – Dual Language or Two-way Immersion.
- IS3 – English as a Second Language (ESL) or English Language Development (ELD).
- IS4 – Content Classes with Integrated ESL Support.
- IS5 – Newcomer Programs.
Including the coding in the WAVE will lead to the automation of our end-of-year performance reporting. Please be sure to complete this in your Student Information System. If you have questions about how to do this in your SIS, please reach out to your vendor.
What's New in the Office of English Language Proficiency?
ELP WIDA ACCESS Overview Webinar for the 2024-2025 School Year
This webinar will provide an overview of Oklahoma ACCESS testing. This webinar is supplemental to the required WIDA ACCESS certification trainings offered in the WIDA Secure Portal, and they do not take the place of WIDA's assessment trainings.
Webinar I Slide Deck
2024-2025 WIDA Precode
The WIDA Precode window is open November 4th, 2024 through November 19, 2024. WIDA Precode process in the Accountability Reporting application:
- Ensures greater accuracy in identifying students who should participate in the ACCESS assessment.
- Provides a process to indicate those students who will participate in paper/pencil ACCESS assessments, keeping those students from being automatically assigned online test sessions in WIDA AMS.
Office of English Language (OELP) Proficiency Updates
This webinar details routine updates and revisions and required actions from the U.S. Department of Education’s Oklahoma Consolidated Performance Review Report FY 2024, dated July 25, 2024 regarding English Learner process and practice.
Webinar | Slide Deck
New EL District Coordinator for *2024-2025* School Year
Google form for *NEW* designated EL coordinators. If you are a new EL coordinator for your district, please fill out the form and contact the Project Manager of ELP Assessments.
Alternate ACCESS Standard Setting Resources
EL Lunch and Learn: Alternate ACCESS Accountability and Reclassification
Contact Information
Office of English Language Proficiency
(405) 522-5073
Sign up to get the latest news and updates sent directly to your inbox via the English Learners Listserv.