School Support
The Office of School Support works with designated school sites in the creation of a Continuous Improvement Plan that is based on the site's needs assessment. Support Specialists visit sites monthly to support the implementation and revision of the plan. Support is given in claiming Title 1003a funding that is aligned with the approved budget.
All schools can engage in a continuous improvement cycle by identifying needs, creating goals and action plans that include evidence-based practices, implementing the action plans, reflecting on implementation, and re-engaging by beginning the cycle again.
What’s New in the Office of School Support?
Oklahoma 9 Essential Elements
Continuous Improvement Tools for All Schools
High School Student Grades 9-12 - Print
High School Student Grades 9-12 - Data Collection
Middle Jr High Student Grades 6-8 - Print
Middle Jr High Student Grades 6-8 - Data Collection
Elementary Student Grades 3-5 - Print
Elementary Student Grades 3-5 - Data Collection
Parent/Family (Spanish) - Print
Parent/Family (Spanish) - Data Collection
Parent/Family - Print
Parent/Family - Data Collection
Teacher - Print
Teacher - Data Collection
Administrator - Print
Administrator - Data Collection
Office of School Support
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 213
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Theresa Wilson, Director
Phone: (405) 522-0140
Fax: (405) 522-6015
Division Contact
Suite: 213