Oklahoma Alternative Placement Program for Teacher Certification
Oklahoma Alternative Placement Program provides an opportunity for individuals with non-teaching degrees to teach in Oklahoma accredited schools.
What is the Oklahoma Alternative Placement Program, and who is eligible to participate in this alternative route to certification?
The Oklahoma Alternative Placement Program provides an opportunity for individuals with non-teaching degrees to teach in Oklahoma accredited schools. The eligibility requirements are:
- Guidelines for the Alternative Placement Certification Program - Effective Nov. 1st 2016
What must I do to be admitted to the program?
To determine if you meet the eligibility requirements for the Oklahoma Alternative Placement Program complete the following:
Create a Single Sign-On account to access the Oklahoma Educator Credential System (OECS).
Once all the following items have been obtained, apply and pay online in OECS.
Official transcripts from all colleges/universities. Transcripts must denote degree earned and the date degree was conferred.
A current resume, including start and end dates for work experience
You will receive an online letter in OECS notifying you if you are approved to seek certification through the program. If you are not eligible, you will receive an online letter notifying you of additional requirements that must be met prior to receiving approval.
What must I do after being approved to seek an alternative certificate?
Once you receive approval to seek an alternative certificate, complete the following:
- Pass the Oklahoma Subject Area Test (OSAT) in the area(s) you have been approved to seek.
What do I submit after passing the OSAT(s)?
After you have passed the above tests, complete the following:
- Recent certification or dual fingerprinting (background check) needed, unless you are already certified in Oklahoma. For the most up to date information refer to Fingerprints/Background Checks Information.
- Submit an online application in OECS for a provisional certificate (sign in to Single Sign-On).
What must I complete after I get my initial alternative certificate to receive an alternative standard certificate?
To receive an alternative standard certificate, you must complete the following:
- Complete the professional education component, semester hours and/or development hours you are assigned upon acceptance. IMPORTANT: Your specific requirements are listed in an advisement letter issued the same day as the provisional certificate, which can be accessed in OECS.
- Pass the Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT)
- ATTENTION: The PPAT is not required for School Counseling
- After meeting the above requirements, please submit the following:
An online application in OECS for a standard certificate (sign in to Single Sign-On).
You must also submit documentation of the professional education component. Development hours must be verified by the school district. Semester hours should be submitted on an official transcript.
Can I renew an alternative certificate?
No. The professional education component and Oklahoma Professional Teaching Exam (OPTE) OR the Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT) must be completed within three years of initial certification. Therefore, the initial certificate is not renewable.