Regular Education Guidance
In ESSA, the designations and requirements of Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) and High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) have been eliminated from regular education classrooms, effective immediately.
Please note that the end of NCLB has no effect on Oklahoma’s own teacher certification laws and requirements. Elementary education-certified teachers may teach any subject in grades 1-8 except for 1) courses taught for high school credit and 2) 7th and 8th grade math courses.
Traditionally, The Certification Guide for School Staff Assignments has been a resource for educators to consult when making teaching assignments. However, that document will undergo extensive updates during this school year since it reflects NCLB requirements no longer in effect. In the interim, using the OSDE Single Sign-On system located on our home page (, you may see all the subjects and grade levels individual educators are certified to teach by locating their records (under Educator Search) and clicking on the “Classes” tab to the left of each certificate area you wish to review.
If you have questions, please contact Bunny Farley in the Teacher Certification division at or call (405) 521-4527.