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National Board Certification Resources

Frequently Asked Questions About National Board

What is the National Board for Professional Teaching Standard (NBPTS)?

The NBPTS was formed in 1987 to advance the quality of teaching and learning by developing professional standards for accomplished teaching and creating a voluntary system to certify teachers who meet those standards.

How do I apply to obtain NBPTS certification?

To learn more about the National Board Certification process, refer to the NBPTS Candidate Center website.

Does Oklahoma offer any assistance with the cost of obtaining National Board Certification?

Contact Office of Educational Quality and Accountability.

I understand if you hold NBPTS certification and teach in Oklahoma, you are paid a bonus. Is that true?

If funding is provided by the Oklahoma Legislature and you meet specific requirements identified by state law and State Department of Education rules, including employment as a full-time classroom teacher in Oklahoma public schools, then a bonus is received. For this purpose, a full-time teacher is defined as a classroom teacher, librarian, or counselor employed as a 1.0 full-time equivalency on the School Personnel Report.

Are there any other subject areas in which you can hold national certification and receive the bonus?

School Psychologists who hold National School Psychology certification and Speech Language Pathologists or Audiologists who hold certification through the American Speech-Language- Hearing Association (ASHA) are also eligible for the bonus.

If I hold National Board Certification in an area other than my subject area(s) on my Oklahoma certificate, does that National Board Certification area qualify me to teach that subject area in Oklahoma?

No. National Board Certification areas do not correspond to Oklahoma certification areas; therefore, you must hold an appropriate Oklahoma certificate to teach that subject.

Note: As a courtesy to you, your National Board Certification will be denoted on your Oklahoma certificate.

Notice of Bonus Allocation

Payment of the stipend for National Board certified teachers, school psychologists, speech language pathologists, and audiologists has been completed via electronic funds transfer. Please note the letter regarding your responsibility for withholding provisions from Mathangi Shankar, Chief Financial Officer, under separate cover.

Allocation notices have been posted below. Please contact Bunny Farley at (405) 521-4527 regarding any nationally certified staff not included in this payment or with any other questions.

Further Resources

Last Modified on Aug 01, 2024
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