Legislative Updates
Title | Legislation | Overview |
July 1, 2019 |
Directs the development and dissemination of information, training, and resources regarding mental health needs of students. |
Beginning |
Requires public school districts to maintain a protocol for responding to students in mental health crises and requires districts to provide written notification to parents regarding their right to opt their student out of the OPNA student survey. |
Beginning |
Requires that all schools, as part of any health education curriculum, include instruction in mental health, with an emphasis on the interrelation of physical and mental well-being. |
Beginning |
Optional disclosure by a parent to school officials prior to or at enrollment regarding previous (24 months) emergency mental health inpatient (Acute, Residential, or Crisis) support from a mental health/behavioral health facility |
Beginning |
Requires school districts and charter schools that serve students in grades seven through twelve and issue student identification cards shall have printed on either side of the student identification cards the telephone number of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, which can be accessed by calling or texting 988; and The Crisis Text Line, which can be accessed by texting HOME to 741741 |
Beginning |
Requires schools to biennial administration of the Oklahoma Prevention Needs Assessment Survey (OPNA) beginning in certain school year; providing for assistance by the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; allowing alternative surveys; directing the administration of survey subject to certain funding; |
July 1, 2021 |
Relates to suicide awareness and drug abuse policies; requiring rather than allowing school district boards of education to adopt certain policies; requiring boards of education to provide certain staff training; directing certain curricula be made available to staff; requiring school districts to provide certain training and curriculum beginning in certain school year; allowing certain training of students in certain grades beginning in certain school year; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. |
July 1, 2019 |
Child abuse and neglect amended reporting procedures. Regarding Child abuse reporting every school employee having reason to believe that any student under the age of eighteen (18) years is a victim of abuse or neglect shall report the matter immediately to the Department of Human Services and local law enforcement. |
For guidance regarding legislative updates regarding mental health and substance abuse contact:
Rachael Hernandez; Program Manager: School-Based Mental Health