Prevention Resources and Links
Abuse Prevention
CDC: Violence Prevention
Gang Resistance Education And Training (GREAT)
Gang Violence Prevention
Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights
My Body, My Life, and REAL Men Programs
National Gang Center
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services
Office On Violence Against DFS (OVW)
Oklahoma City National Memorial
Prevent Connect
RAINN ( Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network)
Runaway Youth and Relationship Violence Toolkit
Bullying Prevention & Internet Safety
Bullying - National Crime Prevention Council
Bullying, Harassment, & Civil Rights
CDC: Preventing Bullying
CDC: Social Media
Common Sense Media
Connect Safely
Bullying Resource Center
Embrace Civility
Eyes on Bullying
FTC: Identity Theft & Online Security
Medline Plus: Bullying & Cyberbullying
U.S. Department of Justice, InternetSafety Information
National Cyber Security Alliance
Stop Bullying
Students Against Destructive Decisions
Students Against Violence Everywhere
Substance Abuse
Oklahoma Challenge
Alliance for Drug Endangered Children
CDC: Smoking and Tobacco Use
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
Elks Drug Awareness Program
Lock Your Meds
National Association for Children of Alcoholics
National Council on Patient Info and Education
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics Education Group
Operation Prevention
Quitting Dip
Stop Medicine Abuse
The Anti-Drug
Tobacco Stops with Me - TSET
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration