Prevention State Laws and Policies
Oklahoma Academic Standards
The Oklahoma Academic Standards for Health and Safety represent standards that describe what students should know concerning health and safety. The standards are categorized under the following: Health and Safety Literacy, Responsible Health and Safety Behavior, and Health and Safety Advocacy.
Title IV Requirements
Annual Incident Report - Due June 1, submitted on the School District Reporting Website
Incident Report Definitions
School Employee Assault Form - Due July 1
Assault Form - Only to be completed if there is an assault
Unsafe School Choice Option Report - Due June 1, submitted on the School District Reporting Website
Unsafe School Choice Option Definitions
Unsafe School Choice Option Policies
Weapons Report - Due two weeks from incident
Weapons Report
Prevention Legislation
Bullying Prevention |
70 O.S. § 24-100.5: This bill requires local school boards to update existing bullying policies annually. |
Suicide Prevention |
70 O.S. § 24-100.7 Relates to suicide awareness and drug abuse policies; requiring rather than allowing school district boards of education to adopt certain policy; requiring boards of education to provide certain staff training; directing certain curriculum be made available to staff; requiring school districts to provide certain training and curriculum beginning in certain school year; allowing certain training of students in certain grades beginning in certain school year; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. 2022 O.S.L. 40,1307: Students in grades 7-12 shall have printed on either side of their student identificaiton cards the telephone numbers for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and the Crisis Text Line. |
Child Abuse Prevention |
70 O.S. § 1210.160: This bill allows local boards of education to establish an abuse-prevention instructional program for students. It provides developmental and age-appropriate, culturally sensitive, adaptable, and evidence-informed curriculum to teach children risk-reduction strategies. 70 O.S. § 1210.162: This bill requires schools to post a sign in English and Spanish containing the toll-free Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline maintained by DHS. The sign must be posted in a clearly visible location in an area of the school that is readily accessible to students. 70 O.S. § 1210.163: Child abuse and neglect amended reporting procedures.Regarding Child abuse reporting every school employee having reason to believe that any student under the age of eighteen (18) years is a victim of abuse or neglect shall report the matter immediately to the Department of Human Services and local law enforcement. |
HIV/AIDS Prevention Education |
70 O.S. § 11-103.3: Students shall receive such education: 1. at the option of the local school district, a minimum of once during the period from grade five through grade six; 2. a minimum of once during the period from grade seven through grade nine; and 3. a minimum of once during the period from grade ten through grade twelve. The OSDE shall develop a curriculum and materials for training in conjunction with the State Department of Health. A school district may also develop its own AIDS prevention education curriculum and materials. |
Substance Abuse Prevention |
70 O.S. § 1210.229-5: Final determination of materials to be used, means of implementation of the curriculum, and ages and times at which students receive instruction about said life skills and drug and alcohol abuse prevention shall be made by the local school board. The local school district, at least one (1) month prior to giving such instruction to students, shall conduct for parents and guardians of students involved, during weekend or evening hours, at least one presentation concerning the plans for instruction and the materials to be used. No student shall be required to receive instruction about said life skills and drug and alcohol abuse prevention if a parent or guardian of the student objects in writing |
Oklahoma Prevention Needs Assessment |
70 O.S. § 24-158: Requires schools to biennial administration of the Oklahoma Prevention Needs Assessment Survey (OPNA) beginning in certain school year; providing for assistance by the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; allowing alternative survey; directing administration of survey subject to certain funding. |
Safe School Comittee |
70 O.S. § 24-100.5: Annually each public school site shall establish a Safe School Committee to be composed of at least seven (7) members. The committee shall study and make recommendations to the site administrator on unsafe conditions, student bullying (including policy), professional development needs on certain topics, and methods of encouraging involvement of the community students. |
Mental Health |
Click here for a full list of mental health legislation.
Title IX, Part A - McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Program |
Title 10, Part C: This federally funded program helps to address Oklahoma's homeless children and youth and the barriers they face in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. This program directs that State educational agencies shall ensure that each homeless child and youth have access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as other children. Homeless children and youth should have access to the same challenging student academic achievement standards to which all students are held. |