Comprehensive School Counseling Framework
The Oklahoma Comprehensive School Counseling Framework was created to ensure school counselors have the support needed to meet the needs of all students in our ever-changing world. The Oklahoma State Department of Education believes every child deserves and must have the opportunity for a strong, competitive education that can lead to a productive and fulfilling life. School counselors are vital members of the educational team that strives to make this vision a reality.
The Oklahoma Comprehensive School Counseling Framework clearly defines the role of the school counselor in 21st-century education for students, caregivers, educators, school counselors, administrators, boards of education, school districts, communities, and business and industry. The Framework describes essential program elements that allow schools to design and develop their own programs appropriate to their unique student and community priorities.
in Oklahoma’s educational institutions and challenges schools to define their school counseling programs based on research and evidence-based best practices.
Why Implement a Comprehensive School Counseling Program?
Redefines roles
Comprehensive school counseling programs are developmental, proactive, and preventative. They enhance learning by assisting students to acquire critical skills for lifelong learning and success. When school counselors create a comprehensive school counseling program, they are able to help every student improve academic achievement, navigate social and emotional learning, and prepare for successful careers after graduation. Comprehensive school counseling ensures school counselors maintain focus on proactive preventative approaches.
Determines direction
A comprehensive school counseling program establishes direction by developing vision and mission statements, annual calendars, and action plans, and incorporating the Oklahoma Student Standards. Comprehensive school counselors embrace professional standards and models for best practice in the field. A lack of direction often yields actions irrelevant. When the final destination is clear, school counselors know what to do to get there.
Creates collaboration
A comprehensive school counseling program is not done in isolation. Instead, it is designed and implemented in collaboration with administrators, teachers, students, caregivers, and community partners using leadership, equity, and advocacy to promote systemic change and positive student outcomes.
Bountiful benefits
The research shows that students benefit from comprehensive school counseling programs. There is improvement in reading and math achievement, decreased discipline referrals, improved school climates, and increased student attendance. Additionally, when school counselors operate from a comprehensive school counseling program, the clarity of tasks improves overall function.