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Oklahoma School Testing Program (OSTP) for Families

As your student’s first teacher, you are a critical part of their education. It is important to remember that your student’s strengths, abilities and potential cannot be measured by a single test score. Each student grows at different rates both physically and academically. State tests help gauge how your student is growing in the knowledge and skills outlined in the Oklahoma Academic Standards. State test results, when combined with other information (i.e., report card grades, teacher feedback, classroom performance and local tests) can help you and the teacher understand where your student is making progress and where they may need extra support.

To support families, the OSDE offers the following resources and information: 

Parent Portal Toolkit provides information about state tests, how to interpret scores and how to to use the scores to support your student.

OSDE Family Engagement is home to tools and resources that support partnerships between families and schools. 

OSTP Parent, Student, Teacher Guides (PSTGs) - Coming Soon provide information about what your student is learning and how you can support them at home; as well as, giving you examples of the types of questions used on the state test.

Grade 3 | Grade 4 | Grade 5 | Grade 6 | Grade 7 | Grade 8 I Grade 11 CCRA US History and Science

Spanish PSTGS : Coming Soon 

Grade 3 | Grade 4 | Grade 5 | Grade 6 | Grade 7 | Grade 8 I Grade 11 Science and US History

OSTP Performance Level Descriptors - describe what your student is likely to know and be able to do based on their performance on the state test.

Additonal Resources

The OSTP Parent Portal is an interactive web-based tool you can use to access your student's test scores at any time.

(Please note that there can only be one account for each family and you will need your student's State ID (STN) number and date of birth to set up an account. Your student's state ID number can be found on their paper OSTP Famiy report or by contacting your student's school)

OSTP Parent Portal Overview and Resources : This link takes you to the MP page where you will find an overview of the Family Portal.

Contact Information

  • Office of Assessments: (405) 521-3341
  • Office of Curriculum and Instruction: (405) 521-3521
  • Office of Special Education: (405) 521-3351
Last Modified on Nov 13, 2024
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