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Imagination Library

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library mails books to children every month, from birth through their fifth birthday, at no cost to families. The Imagination Library program was developed based on numerous studies demonstrating that children with access to books in their homes develop early literacy skills, contributing to school readiness and success throughout life. All of Oklahoma’s kids deserve access to high-quality and age-appropriate books at home to prepare them for achievement in school and beyond.

The OSDE will use approximately $2.5 million of its federal emergency relief funding to match local funds in support of the program, ensuring up to 2.3 million books are distributed to Oklahoma children by the end of 2024. For more information on enrolling a child in the program, becoming an affiliate partner to provide books in your community, or making a donation to ensure all children in Oklahoma have access to the program beyond 2024, visit the links below.

To view the Imagination Library of Oklahoma FY23 Legislative Report, click here.

Last Modified on Dec 03, 2024
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