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Oklahoma Academic Standards

Oklahoma Academic Standards serve as expectations for what students should know and be able to do by the end of the school year and are written by Oklahomans for Oklahoma. 

The subject matter standards shall be thoroughly reviewed by the State Board every six (6) years according to and in coordination with the existing subject area textbook adoption cycle (70 O.S. § 11-103.6a). The development, review, and revision process involves stakeholders throughout the state of Oklahoma and is an ongoing and critical component to ensuring Oklahoma students in every classroom receive current and relevant learning experiences that prepare them for college, career, and citizenry. 

Oklahoma Academic Standards & Assessments

Subject Standards Assessments
Computer Science OAS (2023) No state assessment

English Language Arts


OSTP: Grades 3-8, and CCRA Grade 11

The 2021 standards will begin to be assessed in Spring 2024.


OAS (2022)

OSTP: Grades 3-8, and CCRA Grade 11

The 2022 standards will begin to be assessed in Spring 2024.


OAS (2020)

OSTP: Grades 5, 8, and CCRA Grade 11
Social Studies OAS (2019) High School American History Grades 10-12
Fine Arts

OAS (2023)


Credit(s) required for graduation
Personal Financial Literacy OAS (2024) Competencies required for graduation
World Languages


Credit(s) required for graduation
Health OAS (2023) No state assessment
Physical Education OAS (2023) No state assessment
Education Technology Integrated ISTE (2016) No state assessment
Information Literacy OAS (2024) No state assessment

The Oklahoma Academic Standards were not written or funded by the Federal Government. Oklahoma educators and content specialists participated in the writing, review and feedback process of the Oklahoma Academic Standards.

What Oklahoma Academic Standards Do:

  • Do focus on deep thinking, conceptual understanding, and real‐world problem-solving skills
  • Do set expectations for students to be College, Career, and Citizenship Ready
  • Do incorporate literacy in Science, Social Studies, and Technical Subjects
  • Do emphasize the use of citations and examples from texts when creating opinions and arguments
  • Do increase rigor and grade‐level expectations
  • Do determine the full range of support for English Language Learners and Students with Special needs.

What Oklahoma Academic Standards Do Not:

  • Do not dictate how teachers should teach
  • Do not mandate a specific curriculum
  • Do not limit advanced work beyond the standards
  • Do not require the purchase or development of entirely new instructional materials
  • Do not prescribe all that can or should be taught
  • Do not limit efforts to prepare students for college, career, and citizenship readiness
  • Do not prescribe interventions for students below grade‐level


Oklahoma Public Speaking Competencies

New competencies are available for public speaking courses. Public speaking is a different course/subject area than competitive speech and acting (which follows the Oklahoma Academic Standards in Drama/Theatre).

Last Modified on Jan 30, 2025
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