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2024 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year

Rachel Keith


  • AP Language & Composition

  • Mock Trial

  • Humanities

  • 19 years of teaching experience


  • B.A. in English, University of Central Oklahoma


Mrs. Rachel Keith began her teaching career at Stratford High School where she taught 8th grade Grammar, English II, English III, and English IV for seven years. She was named District Teacher of the Year for Stratford Schools in 2008 and again in 2010. She enjoyed her time as a Bulldog, but struggled being away from her own children. So, she accepted a job at Ada Junior High when a position to teach English 1 became available in the fall of 2012, and, for first time, had the same school schedule as her own four children. Mrs. Keith spent the next five years at Ada Junior High where she served as the English Department Chair for three years and was honored with Site Teacher of the Year in 2016. While at the junior high, she also started the first freshmen Mock Trial team.

In the fall of 2017, Mrs. Keith transferred to Ada High School where she has taught Honors English II, Advanced Placement Language and Composition, Mock Trial, and Humanities. She has also served as the English Department Chair for the past five years, the AHS Guided Coalition team for six years, and the AHS Leadership Team for five years as a mentor teacher. Mrs. Keith was selected by her peers as the Ada High Teacher of the Year in the fall of 2022 and then chosen as the Ada City Schools District Teacher of the Year in the spring of 2023 before
being named the 2024 Oklahoma State Teacher of the Year. This year begins her 20th year in public education as she serves as Ambassador for Teaching across the state.

Mrs. Keith believes that being a public school teacher is the greatest way she can serve her fellow Oklahomans. As the current Oklahoma Teacher of the Year, she hopes to inspire both traditional and non-traditional educators to find their teacher VOICE and raise the impact every teacher has on our state. She believes the best avenue to building strong, influential teachers is through intentional peer mentorships.

Rachel and her husband, Jimmy, have been married for 32 years. They have four children, four grandchildren, and a new grandchild on the way. They currently reside in Ada, Oklahoma, where she and her husband serve as the Lead Pastors of Ada First Assembly of God. They have built a family of teachers. Alongside Rachel, Jimmy teaches AP U.S. History and AP European History at Ada High and serves as the Chair of the History department. So far, three of their four children have become teachers as well. Their oldest daughter, Kayla, serves as the Ada Junior High Science Department Chair and teaches Honors Physical Science, Astronomy, and Meteorology. Sons Josh Keith and Jaron Keith both teach World History and U.S. History at Ada High School. Their youngest daughter is currently finishing her second undergrad degree from East Central University with the intentions of finding her place in the world of education as well.

Their family lives by one motto: Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might!

Last Modified on Dec 06, 2024
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