Motor Carrier/Motor Vehicle Enforcement
Information about citations issued by the Enforcement Section is available on line.
The Transportation Division's Motor Carrier/Vehicle Enforcement Section is comprised of both CLEET certified and non-certified officers. Some of the functions performed are:
- Auditing motor carriers and shippers to ensure compliance with state vehicle weight laws.
- Documenting the facilities operated by prospective new registrants to ensure base state requirements of the IRP have been met.
- Ensuring each commercial motor vehicle engaged in interstate commerce has a valid fuel permit.
- Ensuring each for-hire or private motor carrier engaged in intrastate or interstate commerce transporting deleterious substances has a valid permit.
- Ensuring each for-hire or private motor carrier engaged in intrastate or interstate commerce transporting hazardous waste has a valid permit issued by the Commission.
- Ensuring each for-hire or private motor carrier operating in intrastate commerce has valid authority issued by the Commission.
- Ensuring each for-hire or private motor carrier is in compliance with various federal, state and agency requirements by reviewing lease agreements, bills of lading, proper markings, etc.
- Ensuring compliance with vehicle registration laws and rules.
- Investigating cases of reported or suspected illegal dumping of truck-related deleterious substances within the state.
- Investigating complaints.
- Operating fixed weigh stations throughout the state.
- Reviewing at-grade railroad crossings to ensure all applicable safety devices and measures are proper.
- Verifying that each motor carrier engaged in interstate commerce has a valid registration under the Unified Carrier Registration system.
- Weighing vehicles to ensure commercial motor vehicle compliance with state weight laws and vehicle registration laws.
Last Modified on
Oct 31, 2020