Court Dockets and Hearing Information:
Virtual Hearing Instructions (pdf)
Instructions for installing Zoom software for video hearings
Zoom Links and Meeting IDs for virtual courtrooms
Name | ID number |
161 050 4725 |
161 9735 8499 |
160 6249 8618 |
161 1088 9810 |
161 5563 5461 |
161 4371 1600 |
160 1114 5917 |
161 4070 3263 |
160 1010 1064 |
Online Hearing Exhibit Submissions
Protested Hearings
Protest Book
Find out what priority dates are available, which hearings are in-person, and what protested cases are already prioritized.
How do I protest an Oil and Gas Conservation Docket application?
Get details on the legal procedure to file a protest in a case
Online Pre-Hearing Conference Agreement Form
Electronic Scheduling Form
What's my CD number?
Can't find your case number for a Conservation Docket (CD) or other docket type? Search Case Processing
Last Modified on
Mar 26, 2025