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Oklahoma Wind Energy Facilities

To implement provisions of the Oklahoma Wind Energy Development Act, 17 O.S. §§ 160.11 et seq, the Public Utility Division (PUD) has established rules, OAC 165:35-45, and procedures for an entity that builds, constructs, owns, operates, controls, manages or maintains a wind energy facility within the State of Oklahoma.  The established rules apply to the components of wind energy facilities built, constructed, owned, operated, controlled, managed or maintained within the State of Oklahoma.

Annual Reporting Requirements

On or before March 1 of each year, each wind energy facility owner or operator shall submit information required by PUD. This submission shall provide to PUD information about wind energy facilities the owner constructs, owns, operates, manages or maintains within the State of Oklahoma. Within such submission, the wind energy facility owner or operator shall provide information, which includes but is not limited to the following:

(1) The commercial generation date of each wind energy facility;
(2) If a wind energy facility fails to generate power, an explanation of the cause of the failure to generate;
(3) An attestation indicating that the wind energy facility's insurance coverage will be made available for onsite review by PUD as requested;
(4) For the first annual report(s) associated with a wind energy facility's first year of commercial operation, the report shall also include: a final project description and a final location description for each turbine, as constructed, and an attestation indicating that setback and notice requirements have been complied with;
(5) For those wind energy facility components that are otherwise subject to the rules applicable to the annual reports of Transmission Only Utilities (TOUs), this Subchapter does not require duplicative reporting;
(6) Electronic submission is preferred; however, all forms of submission will be accepted

Change in Ownership or Contact Information

OAC 165:35-45-3(b) Each wind energy facility owner shall notify, in writing, the PUD Director within thirty (30) days of a change in the owner's contact information.

OAC 165:35-45-3(c) The owner of a wind energy facility shall notify the PUD Director in writing within thirty (30) days after a change in ownership.

Wind Energy Facility Notices

The U.S. Wind Turbine Database (USWTDB) can be viewed here:  U.S. Wind Turbine Database (USWTDB) Viewer | U.S. Geological Survey

Contact Consumer Services:

405-521-2311 or Toll Free (in Oklahoma) 800-522-8154

Email for Complaints or Inquiries:

Last Modified on Feb 18, 2025
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