Pipeline Safety

The Pipeline Safety Department administers the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's intrastate regulatory program to assure the safe transportation of natural gas, petroleum, and other hazardous materials by pipeline. The Commission develops regulations and other approaches to assure safety in design, construction, testing, operation, maintenance, and emergency response to pipeline facilities. The Commission derives its authority over intrastate pipeline operations through state statutes and certification agreements with the U.S. Department of Transportation.
The Commission's safety jurisdiction over pipelines covers more than 258 intrastate gathering, transmission, and distribution operators and 33 intrastate hazardous liquid operators. More than 50,381 miles of pipeline are subject to the Commission's jurisdiction.
The Commission, in 2014, was given authority to enforce the provisions of the Oklahoma Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act , 63 O.S. §§ 142.1 et seq., regarding excavation or demolition on or near or directly over the location of, and notice of damage to, oil and natural gas physical facilities which are described by the currently effective definition of “pipeline” in 49 C.F.R. § 192.3 and “pipeline” and “pipeline system” in 49 C.F.R. § 195.2, pursuant to 63 O.S. § 142.13.
The Department currently has 19 employees working within the gas and hazardous liquid pipeline safety programs to carry out the mandated regulatory and enforcement responsibilities of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.
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