The state’s turnpikes are constructed, maintained and operated separately by the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority or call 1-800-Pikepass.
The Oklahoma Highway Patrol is the primary enforcer of laws on highways and turnpikes outside of incorporated city limits, and local police, sheriffs and federal agencies enforce laws within their jurisdictions.
County commissioners maintain county roads and municipalities maintain their own streets, except for highways in their town.
ODOT works closely with local entities to ensure good service, but does not have jurisdiction over local roads
Once installed, all traffic signals are maintained and controlled by the city or county, even on state and US highways. Contact the city or county where the signal is located.
The state’s turnpikes are constructed, maintained and operated by the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority. Visit or call 1-800-PIKEPASS (1-800-745-3727).
State law requires that speed limits on state highways be set at the state maximum, unless traffic and engineering studies show a need to lower them for safety reasons. ODOT traffic engineers perform studies in accordance with national standards to determine safe speed limits, which must then be approved by the Oklahoma Transportation Commission.
It is illegal to place anything on highway rights-of-way, including campaign signs, commercial advertisements or memorials. (69 O.S. § 1208 (b)) Unauthorized signs can obstruct drivers’ views at intersections, block highway warning signs, cause damage to vehicles, injure drivers who pull off in emergencies, disrupt ODOT mowing operations and cause litter. Please keep roadsides clear and clean for everyone’s safety. You can ask nearby property owners about placing a sign on their land. You may also contact the local ODOT Field Division at for assistance.
If an allocation wasn't established before payment and multiple owners were listed on the warrant, ODOT is required to send a separate 1099-S to all the owners on the warrant for the total unallocated gross proceeds amount. We don't know who gets how much of the money after our payment is made, even if ownership interests are known. Check with your tax advisor to provide the proper documentation to the IRS along with your 1099-S showing when you received the money and the actual amount received.
No. Our 1099-S program is based on the Warrant Issuance Date to establish the parameters for issuing our 1099-S. Check with your tax advisor on when you need to report it and how to document it.
You need to contact your attorney or the Court Clerk's office for instructions on disbursement. Also, please return your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) to ODOT in the return envelope that was previously mailed to you, as required by the IRS.
Contact your tax advisor concerning the IRS regulations on reporting real estate transactions (including damages and capital gains).