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Open House

US-75A in Beggs, OK, Okmulgee County

JP 34340(04) 

Where When

Beggs High School Basket Ball Dome

1200 Campus Dr.

Beggs, OK 74421 (Directions)

Thursday, December 19, 2024

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Should you have any questions regarding this project, please email, or call 405-325-3269 and leave a detailed message.


The purpose of the Open House meeting is to present the proposed improvement options, obtain input, and answer questions regarding the US-75A project.


The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposes to make safety improvements to US-75A beginning at the SH-16 junction and extending north approximately 1.5 miles to roughly 0.4 miles north of the US-75A/15th Street intersection in the town of Beggs, Okmulgee County, Oklahoma.  Beginning at the intersection of US-75A and SH-16 and extending north through Beggs, the highway is a curb-and-gutter facility with two 12-foot-wide paved driving lanes and 6-foot-wide shoulders. Just north of 7th Street the highway transitions to an open section facility with two 11-foot-wide paved driving lanes and no shoulders.  North of the railroad underpass, the roadway consists of two 12-foot-wide paved driving lanes with 8-foot-wide shoulders.

The roadway has a sharp curve and a deficient railroad underpass with drainage issues. The 2022 traffic volume is 2,100 vehicles per day (vpd), which is projected to increase to 2,500 vpd by 2052. The purpose of this project is to improve safety by correcting a roadway with a sharp curve and narrow railroad underpass.  

Proposed Improvements

ODOT is evaluating proposed improvements to this segment of US-75A while taking into consideration the cost of construction, utilities, and potential environmental concerns. Overall, the project would correct the sharp curve and address the railroad crossing and drainage issues.

Three possible US-75A improvement options are proposed:

Option 1:         US-75 would cross over the BNSF railroad with a new bridge south of the existing underpass.  The sharp highway curve would be eliminated, and US-75A would be shifted slightly to the northwest and would cross over the railroad near 13th Street and then tie back into the existing highway alignment.

Option 2:         US-75 would cross over the BNSF railroad with a new bridge north of the existing underpass.  The sharp highway curve would be eliminated, and US-75A would be partially realigned to the northwest.  The bridge would cross over the railroad north of 15th Street, curve around the west side of the railroad, and then tie back into the existing highway alignment.

Option 3:         A new east offset highway alignment would be created that would eliminate the BNSF railroad crossing.  US-75A would curve around the east side of town, and a new US-75A/SH-16 junction would be created approximately 0.6-mile to the east of the current location.

The selected option would be constructed with two 12-foot-wide driving lanes and 8-foot-wide shoulders with curb-and-gutter sections in town.  The acquisition of new right-of-way will be required.  US-75A will remain open with access to businesses and residences being maintained throughout the project duration.



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ODOT Environmental Programs Division
200 N.E. 21st Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3204

Last Modified on Dec 10, 2024
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