Oklahoma CareerTech Foundation Scholarships
The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education and the Oklahoma CareerTech Foundation proudly facilitates several academic scholarships. Scholarship recipients are representative of our diverse population, varied career paths and educational levels. Questions regarding CareerTech Foundation scholarships should be directed to the Foundation.
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Scholarships for College & Technology Center Students
Casey Cundiff Student Scholarship
The Casy Cundiff Scholarship is made available to assist any individual with a disability and/or an individual with circumstances such as homelessness, single parents, individuals in foster care, a student with a parent on active duty in the armed forces, etc. Award of the scholarship is based on how an applicant has overcome barriers to achieve success in their career major. This scholarship will allow the recipient to gain assistance with accessing or completing a CTE career major or entering the career for which they have trained.
- Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: One
- Deadline: June 1
- Application
Please email the application to Katlyn Hudgins, Career Development Coordinator - Special Populations.
Casey Cundiff ESSP Member - Dependent Scholarship
The Casy Cundiff ESSP Member-Dependent Scholarship is made available to assist an ESSP member, their spouse, child, and/or dependent with the cost of tuition, books, tools, and/or other expenses connected to employment or training. The ESSP member MUST have paid their dues for the year that they are applying.
- Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: One
- Deadline: June 1
- Application
Please email the application to Katlyn Hudgins, Career Development Coordinator - Special Populations.
Washington/DuBose Memorial Scholarship
Applicants for the scholarship must plan to enroll in a full-time program at an Oklahoma Career and Technology Center or as a full-time student in an accredited institution of higher learning for the spring semester of each year.
- Amount: Varies
- Deadline: April 2
- Application
Scholarships for Technology Center Students (only)
Otha Grimes – Francis Tuttle Memorial Scholarships
This scholarship is available to adult students who are Oklahoma residents enrolled in a program at a Career and Technology Center. Applicants must submit applications online.
- Amount: Varies
- Deadline: Each technology center district may impose its own deadline for its respective students. Final electronic submissions from district financial aid directors must be completed on ctYOU.org by:
- Fall - September 15
- Spring - February 15
- Fall - September 15
- For students: Application and Instructions
- For Financial Aid Administrators: Instructions