Family and Consumer Sciences Education

Family and Consumer Sciences Education students are prepared to make informed decisions about consumer education, financial literacy, nutrition and wellness, relationships, housing and textiles.
Oklahoma FCCLA's Brandon Weibel elected national president
Members of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America this week elected Brandon Weibel of Silo, Oklahoma, as their national president for 2024-2025 during the National Leadership Conference in Seattle, Washington. FCCLA is a CareerTech student organization, and we congratulate Brandon and Oklahoma FCCLA on this high honor. We caught up with Brandon earlier this year ahead of the state FCCLA conference, and he testified to FCCLA’s impact on his life and career aspirations.
Churning out leaders: FCCLA alum teaches Better Butter workshop at state conference
Family and Consumer Sciences students and advisers from across Oklahoma gathered in Tulsa April 11 for the annual Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) state leadership conference.
Better Butter, led by former state and national officer Zeb Kelly, was one of several workshops provided to students. Armed with Mason jars and heavy cream, students acquired an easy, tasty, and fun skill.