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Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing is a key driver of Oklahoma's economy, accounting for 11% of the state's Gross State Product (GDP) and 12% of the nation's GDP. In 2020, Oklahoma exported $5.06 billion in manufactured goods, and in 2021, the state employed an average of 131,000 manufacturing workers with an average annual compensation of $75,963.35. The manufacturing industry in Oklahoma employs people in a variety of sectors, including aerospace, energy, and food processing.

Manufacturing a workforce: OMA partners and CareerTech instructors collaborate

Industry partners from the Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance and CareerTech instructors convened November 14 at Ditch Witch/TORO's home office and manufacturing plant in Perry for a day of learning and collaboration.

OMA partners and CareerTech instructors discussed the prevalence of STEM in middle and high school curriculums as integral to a qualified manufacturing workforce.

Last Modified on May 23, 2024
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