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CareerTech Delivery Arms

How to obtain career and technology training to advance your skills and land the job you desire.

System Overview FY 23


One of the strengths of the CareerTech System is its accessibility to almost every Oklahoman.

  • CareerTech offerings in 397 comprehensive school districts – 1,474 teachers
  • 29 technology center districts with 60 campuses – 1,305 teachers
  • Business and industry training attracts new industry and helps existing businesses expand and prosper – 8,764 businesses (number of businesses is duplicated in some categories)
  • 16 Skills Centers sites (inmates/juvenile offenders) – 40 teachers
  • 32 adult basic education providers at 118 sites


One of the primary strengths of Oklahoma's CareerTech System lies in its diversity. Here are a few of the diverse constituencies the CareerTech System serves:

  • Oklahoma's businesses and industries.
  • Junior high school students.
  • High school students.
  • Non-diploma-holding adults.
  • Employed adults.
  • Unemployed adults.
  • Senior citizens.
  • Law offenders.

Each of these constituencies has its champions, Oklahomans who have personally experienced what the system has done for them or who have witnessed that personal growth in others.

The system's diversity helps it rise to the challenge of meeting its goals:

  • High expectations.
  • New standards and accountabilities.
  • Managing and staffing such a diverse system.
  • Funding emerging technologies.

Through efforts such as High Schools That Work, we've seen firsthand that cooperative efforts between CareerTech educators and academic teachers pay big dividends in increasing academic performance.

Oklahoma's CareerTech System maintains high-quality instruction by recruiting, retaining and developing instructors on the front line. We have placed great emphasis on our teachers attaining national certifications in their respective fields. In addition, Oklahoma ranks in the top 10 states per capita with teachers who have earned certification through the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards.

Our mission -- our single and steadfast mission -- is to help Oklahomans succeed in the workplace, in education and in life. In the following pages, you'll learn about CareerTech's delivery systems dedicated to ensure that result.

Last Modified on Feb 03, 2025