OKCareerGuide Dashboard
In August of 2015, Oklahoma CareerTech implemented OK Career Guide – an easy online tool for all Oklahoma students, adults, veterans, parents, educators and employers to explore and guide their future. You can take assessments, identify occupations, establish education plans and, ultimately, connect to employers.
How to Use the Interactive Data
- To highlight a particular year, click on the year in the legend. To remove the highlight click on the year in the legend again.
- To see more details, hover over graph.
Current Totals
Users & Accounts
Users are composed of K-12 Students, Post-Secondary Students, and Adults using the system. This chart includes the past 4 years of data only.
Education Plans
OKCareerGuide enables schools to complete the ICAP Graduation Requirement per HB2155. The Education Plans are a core component of that process, allowing students to map out their academic future and achieve their career goals.