May Rollow

Gracious, kind, soft-spoken, professional, efficient. All are adjectives that aptly describe the late May Rollow, Oklahoma’s first lady of vocational home economics.
May began her career in vocational education as a vocational home economics teacher at Wynnewood High School. She later moved to the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education where she became the state’s first southeast district home economics supervisor. She later was named as the division’s state supervisor. Her career at the state CareerTech agency spanned 25 years.
One of May’s most treasured joys was the opportunity to work with young people through the Future Homemakers of America. She served as the organization’s district advisor and took a very active role in planning and organizing the annual state FHA convention.
After her retirement, May became actively involved in the Garvin County Retired Teachers Association and the Oklahoma Retired Teachers Association. She also maintained an active role in Wynnewood’s First United Methodist Church.
She was a life member of the Oklahoma and American Vocational Associations and held memberships in the Oklahoma and National Education Associations, the American Association of University Women and the national honorary home economics association, Omicron Nu.
Ms. Rollow was inducted to the CareerTech Hall of Fame in 1993.