CareerTech Foundation Hall of Fame Nominations
Nominations for the Oklahoma CareerTech Hall of Fame will open Aug. 1, 2025. The deadline to submit nominations is Dec. 31, 2025. The next induction banquet is tentatively scheduled for Fall of 2026.
** Any nominations prior to 2020 must be re-submitted. **
If you would like to nominate a deserving person for this prestigious honor, submit no less than one letter of recommendation that reflects the following criteria:
- The nominee must have exhibited extraordinary contributions to career and technology education for at least twenty years.
- Illustrate the nominee’s contributions in the fields of teaching, administration, legislative and/or private sector support.
- Contributions shall be specified at local, state and national levels. Leadership roles in professional organizations shall also be specified.
- Specify contributions that advance the broader cause of career and technology education.
We appreciate your support of the CareerTech Foundation and your help in determining who will be inducted into the 2026 CareerTech Hall of Fame.
Please submit your nomination letter(s) and any supporting documentation to:

Gina Hubbard
Oklahoma CareerTech Foundation
1500 West 7th Avenue
Stillwater, OK 74074-4398
(405) 743-5167 | Email