Byrle Killian

The late Byrle Killian provided leadership in state plan development for the Southern Region when the Vocational Education Act of 1963 was implemented. His cooperation and sharing of information in that role exemplified Mr. Killian’s 42-year career in vocational education.
In 1936, he started the vocational agriculture program in Guthrie High School. Four years later, he began a long career with the state of Oklahoma. He retired in 1978 as assistant state director of vocational and technical education and as state supervisor of vocational agriculture.
Killian served eight years on the Board of Regents for OSU and A&M Colleges. He was a founder of the Noble Research Center at Oklahoma State University and a life member of OSU’s Alumni Association. He was honored as an OSU Distinguished Alumnus in 1988.
Mr. Killian was inducted into the CareerTech Hall of Fame in 1990.