Impact of Giving
Funding the Need, Attaining Students' Success
The CareerTech System is truly Elevating Oklahoma. Whether it is a member of a CareerTech Student Organization graduating high school with leadership skills that will last a lifetime, a technology center student who earned transcripted college credit through the Cooperative Alliance Program, an adult needing to be retrained, or an offender re-entering the workforce through a Skills Center, CareerTech has educational opportunities for Oklahomans.
Did You Know?
- CareerTech graduates annually add $2 billion to Oklahoma's economy.
- More than 50 percent of Oklahoma's high school students are also CareerTech students.
- More than 30,000 credit hours were earned by CareerTech students last year.
Together, through your support, we can help even more student realize their potential and fulfill their educational goals.
Learn how you can help make Oklahoma students dreams a reality by giving to the CareerTech Foundation.
Ways to Give
Why should you invest in the CareerTech Foundation?
In general, people invest in companies because they believe in a product or service. Investors want to know that their investment will pay dividends. The merit of education through the CareerTech system has been proven for over 100 years.
As a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation, the CareerTech Foundation provides you with numerous opportunities to positively impact current and future students in career and technology education. Thank you for your consideration of this worthwhile opportunity.
When you give, you are doing more than helping the Foundation grow, you are helping students achieve their dreams.
Planned Giving
Donors who choose to establish planned gifts to benefit the CareerTech Foundation ensure their legacy will continue for many generations. Estate funds may be added to an existing endowment or used to create new opportunities. Whatever avenue you choose, financial planning for the future allows you to direct estate funds to the area of your choice.
With so many different planned giving options available, establishing a gift can often be a confusing process. The CareerTech Foundation is happy to assist donors in making their planned giving. Please contact us for your specific needs and wishes.
Have you already included the CareerTech Foundation in your plans? Please share your decision with us to ensure your wishes are honored.
Annual Giving
Annual gifts are vital to the Foundation's success. While endowments and planned gifts guarantee future funding sources for the system, annual giving ensures direct financial support for CareerTech's greatest needs providing an immediate impact to our students and organizations.
Donors who choose to support CareerTech annually select from a number of giving options including annual scholarships and through supporting current educational programs.
Endowments provide a foundation on which to grow. The money is given to the Foundation with a stipulation that the funds are invested to earn annual interest rather than spent immediately. A portion of the annual earnings is used to award student scholarships, provide professional development or support CareerTech programs. The rest of the earnings are reallocated back into the fund’s principal to ensure the endowment continues to grow and yield more interest for future support. Talk to us to learn how to establish an endowment.
Francis Tuttle Endowed Chair
The CareerTech Foundation was the leading entity in raising funds for the Francis Tuttle Endowed Chair for Occupational Education Studies at Oklahoma State University. The chair is a faculty position within the College of Education, School of Teaching and Curriculum Leadership.
Donors can, in the spirit of true generosity, establish gifts to honor a loved one, instructor or friend. These unique gifts not only provide essential support for CareerTech, but also ensure the honorees’ legacy will endure forever.
Gifts can be mailed to CareerTech Foundation, 1500 West 7th, Stillwater, OK 74074. More information about memorial gifts can be obtained by contacting the Foundation.