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Child Health/EPSDT

The Oklahoma Health Care Authority has a vast array of services for children. Here are some helpful resources.

Effective July 8,2021 the below cover sheet and requested documents are to be submitted with ABA extension and initials.

Effective September 10, 2020: CPT code 97151 (Adaptive Behavioral Assessment) for Provider Type 17, Specialty 176 can be submitted for prior authorization, prior to the ABA Initial Prior Authorization template.


Blood Lead Screening

Prevention is key when it comes to lead poisoning. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like additional information, please contact the Oklahoma Childhood Poisoning Prevention Program (OCLPPP) at the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) at 405-271-6617.

Remember, if you are using a point-of-care lead testing device (such as Lead Care II), you are required to report ALL testing results to the Oklahoma Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. Call OSDH for more information


Manuals and Publications 

Children, Birth through 6 Years (English):

Children, Birth through 6 Years (Spanish):

Preteens and Teens, 7-18 Years (English):

Preteens and Teens, 7-18 Years (Spanish):



Contact Us

Last Modified on Dec 03, 2024
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