The Oklahoma Health Care Authority administers the SoonerCare (Oklahoma Medicaid) and Insure Oklahoma programs. The agency balances this fiscal responsibility with two, equally important goals:
- Assuring that state-purchased health care meets acceptable standards of care;
- Ensuring that citizens of Oklahoma who rely on state-purchased health care are served in a progressive and positive system
Employer Qualifications
- Have up to 250 (for profit) or 500 (non-profit) employees
- Be located in Oklahoma
- Offer a qualified benefit plan
- Contribute at least 25 percent of premiums for qualified employees
- Health insurance must be billed from the first of calendar month to the end of the calendar month (not mid-month)
Employee Qualifications
- Be between the ages of 19 and 64
- Be an Oklahoma resident and meet citizenship guidelines
- Have an annual gross household income within the Employer-Sponsored Insurance income guidelines
- Not enrolled in Medicare or SoonerCare (Medicaid)
- Contribute up to 15 percent of monthly premium cost for self, and up to 15 percent of premium cost for qualified dependents (not to exceed three percent of annual gross household income)
There are no enrollment periods or deadlines. Businesses may apply at any time.