Additional Important Statutes
Statutes affecting OHCA and its operations*
HOPE Act, Title 56 O.S. 246-250
Oklahoma Medicaid Program Integrity Act, 56 O.S. 1001-1008
Oklahoma Medicaid Program Reform Act of 2003, 56 O.S. 1010.1-1010.13
Oklahoma Medicaid Program Reform Act of 2006, 56 O.S. 1011.1-1011.15
Commitment to Care for People with Complex Physical Disabilities Act, 56 O.S. 1012.1-1012.4
Consumer Protection for Wheeled Mobility Act, 56, O.S. 1015.1-1016
Oklahoma Choices for Long-Term Care Act, 56, O.S. 1017.1-1018
Community-Based Program of Services, 56, O.S. 1020-1025.4
Receivership of Residential Facilities for People with Intellectual Disabilities, 56, O.S. 1030.1-1030.4
Fees – Oklahoma Health Care Authority, 56 O.S. 2001-2005
Ensuring Access to Medicaid Act, 56 O.S. 4002.1-4004
Oklahoma Discretionary and Special Needs Trust Act, 60, O.S. 175.81-175.92
Long-Term Care Partnership Act, 63 O.S. 1-955.1-1-1955.6
Managed Care Referral, 63 O.S. 2550.1-2550.4
Nondiscrimination in Health Care Coverage Act, 63 O.S. 2560-2565
Supplemental Hospital Offset Payment Program, 63 O.S. 3241.1-3242
Health Care Services, 63 O.S, 5000.24-5061.2
Step Therapy Protocol, 63 O.S. 7310
Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act, 74 O.S. 85.1-85.44E
Oklahoma Ethics Commission Rules, Title 74, Appendix I, Rules 1.1-6.19
Age Discrimination Act of 1975
Civil Liberties Act of 1988
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Education Amendments of 1972, Title IX
Immigration and Reform Act of 1936
Public Health Service Act, Section 3009
Social Security Act, Titles XIX and XXI
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
*This list is not intended to identify every legal source that could reference or affect Medicaid, but as a guide to primary state and federal laws that are core to the mission and operations of the Medicaid State Agency.
Statutes the public may find useful in interacting with OHCA
Oklahoma Open Meetings Act, Title 25, Sections 301, et seq. of the Oklahoma Statutes
Oklahoma Open Records Act, Title 50, Sections 24A.1, et seq. of the Oklahoma Statutes