The Oklahoma Health Care Authority Board and Governor Stitt have approved the proposed emergency rules to implement the statewide health information exchange.
OHCA is thankful for the feedback of Oklahoma patients and providers in creating these emergency rules which encourages improved collaboration among different healthcare providers while protecting a patient’s right to privacy. OHCA remains committed to creating a streamlined, holistic health care approach and improving health outcomes for Oklahomans through the HIE.
The new rules include:
Broad exemptions that allow any provider seeking an exemption to be granted one;
Refined and added definitions;
Clarification on required participation;
Continued adherence to state and federal law regarding patient disclosure and consent;
Defined fees, including participation fee, connection fee and grant funds to cover connection fees.
View the emergency rules here.
Learn more about the HIE below. Click below to register to join, or seek an exemption.
Visit the MyHealth Events page to explore and register for upcoming HIE Office Hours—a webinar series hosted in collaboration with OFMQ—offering expert insights and tailored guidance to help you maximize the benefits of OKSHINE programs.
Connection Fee Assistance
Connection Fee Application
OKSHINE Connection Fee Assistance
In an effort to advance the ability for systems to exchange health information and create more complete patient health records, the Oklahoma Legislature passed SB 32X in 2023. This bill enabled funding for a one-time connection fee for providers to connect to the Health Information Exchange through the State Designated Entity (SDE), MyHealth Access Network.
The Office of the State Coordinator has developed an application for health care providers to request assistance with the one-time connection fee. Please note this assistance only applies to the fees associated with getting connected to the HIE, it does not cover the on-going subscription fees.
The Office of the State Coordinator will also evaluate one-time fees for software or services provided by EMR vendors under the connection fee assistance program. Providers are encouraged to submit a comprehensive proposal from their EMR vendor or integrator. The proposal should detail the proposed services, their functionalities, supported connection types, and associated one-time costs. Completed proposals, along with a filled-out EMR Vendor Expense Application form, should be sent to myhealth@myhealthacces.net or their MyHealth account representative.
Before beginning the Connection Fee Application process, an application to connect with the SDE must be submitted