Eligible SoonerSelect children and youth will be enrolled in the SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Program (CSP):
The SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Program covers SoonerSelect children and youth served by Oklahoma Human Services’ Child Welfare Services. This includes children in foster care and former foster care children, those receiving adoption assistance, and those involved in the juvenile justice system. CSP covers medically necessary prescriptions and health and behavioral health services, except dental services. SoonerSelect dental plans cover dental services.
Some groups enrolled in SoonerSelect are automatically enrolled in the CSP plan. These are:
- Children in the custody of Oklahoma Human Services, including AI/AN children.
- Juvenile justice-involved children.
- Foster children in tribal custody who opt in to SoonerSelect are automatically assigned to CSP.
Some groups can pick another SoonerSelect Health plan. If they don’t pick another SoonerSelect health plan, they are automatically enrolled in the CSP plan. These are:
- Children and youth receiving adoption assistance.
- Former foster care children up to age 25.
The SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Program has a strong focus on the unique health and behavioral health needs of the children it serves. It places special emphasis on identifying needs and interventions early.
Former foster care children and children receiving adoption assistance are enrolled in the SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Program if they do not choose another SoonerSelect plan.
Former foster care children who want to pick a SoonerSelect health plan instead of CSP should:
- Log in to MySoonerCare.org and select “change plan/provider.” Then select the plan you want to enroll in.
- Call the choice counseling line at 800-987-7767 to ask questions, receive information on plans, or pick or change a plan.
Children receiving adoption assistance who want to enroll in a SoonerSelect health plan instead of CSP should:
- Call the choice counseling line at 800-987-7767 to ask questions, receive information on plans, or pick or change a plan.
You can change your plan within the first 90 days of enrollment. After that, you will remain in your plan until the next open enrollment period unless a disenrollment request is approved or you become ineligible for SoonerSelect.
Children in tribal custody who opt in to SoonerSelect are automatically enrolled in CSP. AI/AN members who do not choose to enroll in SoonerSelect will remain in their current SoonerCare program and continue receiving services in the same way.
AI/AN members who want to opt in to SoonerSelect should:
- Call the choice counseling line at 800-987-7767 to ask questions, receive information on SoonerSelect or choose to opt in.
AI/AN members can disenroll from SoonerSelect at any time and return to their previous SoonerCare program. However, they can only opt in to SoonerSelect during the next open enrollment period.