American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) Members
Eligible American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) members can opt into SoonerSelect. If AI/AN members do not opt into SoonerSelect, they will remain in their current SoonerCare program and continue receiving services in the same way. If an AI/AN member opts in but does not pick a plan, OHCA will assign a SoonerSelect plan to the member. AI/AN members can opt in and enroll with a SoonerSelect plan by:
Logging into their account and selecting “change plan/provider.” From there, the enrollee can choose to opt in and select their plan of choice.
Calling the choice counseling line at 800-987-7767 to ask questions, receive information on plans, choose to opt in, or to select or change plans.
The plan the enrollee is enrolled with the day the lock-in period starts (90 days post initial enrollment) is the plan the enrollee will remain in until the next open enrollment period. AI/AN enrollees can request disenrollment from their plan without a good cause reason. If an AI/AN member chooses not to enroll or to enroll then disenroll, the AI/AN member will be able to opt in again at the next open enrollment period.
FFCC and children receiving adoption assistance
The SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Program is the health care plan that covers all Medicaid services (other than dental) for children in foster care, former foster care children (FFCC), juvenile justice involved children and children receiving adoption assistance.
FFCC and children receiving adoption assistance are enrolled in the SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Program automatically. If you are part of these groups, you may opt out of enrollment in the SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Program and enroll with a SoonerSelect plan.
Former foster care children may opt out of enrollment in the SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Program and enroll with a SoonerSelect plan by:
Logging into your account and selecting “change plan/provider.” From there, select the plan in which you would like to enroll.
Calling the choice counseling line at 800-987-7767 to ask questions, receive information on plans, or to select or change plans.
Children receiving adoption assistance may opt out of enrollment in the SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Program and enroll with a SoonerSelect plan by:
Calling the SoonerCare helpline at 800-987-7767 to ask questions, receive information on plans, or to select or change plans.
You can change your plan within the first 90 days after enrollment. The period after the first 90 days until the next open enrollment period is called the lock-in period. Once the lock-in period begins, you will remain in your plan until the next open enrollment period unless a disenrollment request is approved, or you become ineligible for SoonerSelect.
Children in Tribal custody
Children in tribal custody and juvenile justice involved children can voluntarily enroll in SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Plan by choosing to opt in. This population can voluntarily enroll in the SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Plan at any time. If they would like to enroll in a SoonerSelect plan, they can do so by:
Calling the SoonerCare helpline at 800-987-7767 to ask questions, receive information on plans, or to select or change plans.
The plan the enrollee is enrolled with the day the lock-in period starts (90 days post initial enrollment) is the plan the enrollee will remain in until the next open enrollment period. AI/AN enrollees can request disenrollment from their plan without a good cause reason.