About Us
The Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) administers Oklahoma's Medicaid program, commonly known as SoonerCare. SoonerCare works to improve the health of qualified Oklahomans by ensuring medically necessary benefits and services are available. Qualifying Oklahomans include certain low-income children, adults, families, those with disabilities, those being treated for breast or cervical cancer and those seeking family planning services.
Our Vision
Our vision is for Oklahomans to be healthy and to have access to quality health care services regardless of their ability to pay.
Our Mission
Our mission is to responsibly purchase state and federally-funded health care in the most efficient and comprehensive manner possible; to analyze and recommend strategies for optimizing the accessibility and quality of health care; and, to cultivate relationships to improve the health outcomes of Oklahomans.
Our Five Key Principles
- Passion for Purpose – Passion for purpose breeds dedication, facilitates creative thinking and problem solving, guides our work and supports our culture. Our purpose is to facilitate quality health care services regardless of ability to pay and create opportunities for our members to attain healthy outcomes.
- Empowerment and Accountability – Each member of the OHCA team is empowered to think creatively, act responsibly, move nimbly and respond compassionately to meet the needs of our members and stakeholders. We follow through on commitments and take responsibility for our decisions, prioritizing member needs, fiscal stewardship and respect for others.
- Trust and Transparency – Through open dialogue and honest communication in every aspect of our work, we can build an organizational culture where all team members feel informed and equipped for success. We are committed to principles of open government by providing consistent and accurate communication to our members, stakeholders and the public.
- Best in Class and Outcome-driven – The most admired organizations never settle. They constantly search for the possible in the seemingly impossible. We strive each day to find ideas and solutions that will drive positive health outcomes for Oklahoma.
- Servant Leadership – The most meaningful way to be successful is through service to others. We strive to help each member of our team achieve personal and professional success. We lead by example for our co-workers, members and stakeholders.
SoonerCare Basics
SoonerCare Provider Enrollment
Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan reports priorities identified by the OHCA’s board. This part of the report includes a comprehensive discussion of the current operating environment and any projected issues that may affect the SoonerCare (Oklahoma Medicaid) program such as, federal regulations, the uninsured, political climate and economic indicators. Updates of ongoing action plans are also presented. The Strategic Plan provides a road map for the agency’s forward motion.
The Service Efforts and Accomplishments (SEA) Performance Report is included with the Strategic Plan. It is constructed to report outcomes of OHCA’s efforts to achieve its mission, goals and objectives. Part of this process is defining standard performance measures indicating both quality and quantity; this has the benefit of also providing management expectations. The SEA report allows management to compare past, current and targeted performance measures to identify successes, challenges and opportunities. The report identifies how each measure is related to the agency’s goals and objectives, as well as relevant factors affecting outcomes.
- Performance & Health Improvement: Alignment with Agency Budget Priorities (March 2019)
- SFY 2024 OHCA Annual Report
- SFY 2024 Annual Report Appendix
- SEA Performance Report
Quality Improvement Plan
OHCA has determined that a comprehensive agency-wide Quality Improvement Plan will be helpful to guide our programs, in much the same way that the Agency Mission and Strategic Plan give focus to our work every day. Regulations governing utilization control are mandated for all state Medicaid programs. Other regulations require a written quality strategy for specific managed care delivery systems, but not for the SoonerCare Choice Patient-Centered Medical Home program. The agency’s many departments share common goals for clinical excellence in the services that members receive and are dedicated to excellence in performing the administration of the program. The agency has voluntarily developed a Quality Improvement Plan to highlight the structure of the agency’s approach to quality, provide information about quality initiatives and highlight performance measures that are reported. The document outlines the agency’s work in quality assessment and performance improvement.