How It Works
Insure Oklahoma is a premium assistance program to assist small businesses, qualified employees, and their qualified dependents with making health insurance coverage more affordable. Insure Oklahoma is designed to assist those employees who meet the household income requirements. Not everyone may qualify for this program.
The employer first enrolls with Insure Oklahoma, then after the employer group is approved, the employees can apply with Insure Oklahoma.
Employers choose an Insure Oklahoma-qualified commercial health insurance plan and decide how much to contribute (at least 25 percent) for employee health premiums.
Employees choose whether to participate. There is no minimum employee enrollment, and not all employees must qualify or choose to participate for a business to use Insure Oklahoma. Having health insurance is their choice
Each month, Insure Oklahoma employers submit their health insurance invoices to Insure Oklahoma and receive subsidy payments for approved employees. Employers will also collect employee contributions and contribute a small amount themselves to pay the insurance carrier for the total premium cost. Here’s how it adds up:
- Employers contribute 25 percent of employee premiums. Some employers choose to contribute more.
- Employees contribute up to 15 percent for themselves, and up to 15 percent for qualified dependents. The total employee contribution is limited to 3 percent of gross household income.
- Insure Oklahoma subsidizes at least 60 percent – or more, depending on premium amounts verses household income.