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Oklahoma Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (OCLPPP)

House with flaking paint


The OCLPPP provides guidance regarding screening and testing for lead exposure for children 6-72 months of age. The program also provides follow-up services for children with lead in blood results that are 3.5 µg/dL or greater and can provide general lead information for any ages. 


Every child in Oklahoma will receive a blood lead test at age 12 months and again at 24 months of age, or at least one test before their sixth birthday.


Screening and Testing 

  • Development and implementation of a statewide plan for testing and screening children 6-72 months of age for lead poisoning.
  • The Oklahoma State Health Department (OSDH) and Board of Health Lead Rules require that all children receive a blood lead test at age 12 months and again at 24 months of age.  Any child who has not yet reached their 6th birthday, and has never had a blood lead test, shall also receive a blood lead test.  Further, any child aged 6-72 months of age may be assessed for blood lead exposure utilizing the Lead Exposure Risk Assessment Questionnaire (LERAQ) (English) (En Espanol). Each child identified as high-risk should be tested if not already receiving a blood lead test for their 12-month or 24-month checkup.

Case Management

  • The OCLPPP provides individualized guidance to parents of children with lead in blood (LiB), and consultation to health care providers on appropriate follow-up of lead in blood results in children.
  • Families are provided with fact sheets, brochures, and pamphlets in order to increase their awareness about lead poisoning. This educates families about key sources of lead exposure and how to reduce exposure as well as providing families with information on renovating your home safely to avoid disturbing lead.
  • The OCLPPP schedules an environmental inspection to help identify the source of lead exposure for a child 6-72 months of age with a confirmed lead in blood result of 10 µg/dL or greater. Environmental Inspections are performed in the child's home and other sites where a significant amount of time is spent. The OCLPPP has 5 certified Lead-Based Paint Inspector/Risk Assessors to perform environmental inspections that cover the entire state of Oklahoma. 


  • The OCLPPP maintains a surveillance system, HHLPSS, to collect, analyze, and interpret data pertaining to children's lead in blood results in Oklahoma as well as to  monitor their trends.  Additionally, the system's follow-up component ensures that children 6-72 months of age are receiving testing for lead poisoning and that children with lead in blood are appropriately followed per OSDH case management guidelines.
  • All blood test results for Oklahoma residents, regardless of lead in blood results or age must be reported to the OCLPPP.

Education & Outreach

  • The OCLPPP offers community and professional awareness programs on lead poisoning and its prevention. Additionally, education and training is provided to parents of young children, childcare professionals, health care providers, human services providers, teachers, and other groups concerned with the health and well-being of young children.

Eligibility Requirements

All children in Oklahoma shall have a blood lead test at age 12 months and again at 24 months of age.  A child who has not yet reached their 6th birthday, and has never had a blood lead test, shall also have a blood lead test prior to their 6th birthday.  The OCLPPP provides guidance and outreach for all children with elevated lead in blood results from age 6 months to 72 months. The OCLPPP also provides information regarding lead exposure and lead poisoning to any resident of Oklahoma, regardless of age.

Contact Information

Mailing Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Ste. 1702

Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406

Physical Location:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73102

Phone: (405) 426-8311
Spanish line: (405) 426-8315
Fax: (405) 900-7551
