Vital Records FAQs
- What are your business hours?
- Will Call hours are 12:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. | Monday – Friday
- How far back does Oklahoma have records available?
- Oklahoma began filing birth records in October of 1908. It was not mandatory, however, that these records be filed until 1917. Because birth records were not required for identification as they are today, not all records prior to 1940 were placed on file consistently.
- Who is eligible to apply?
- Eligible applicants must be working in the best interest of the subject of the record.
- Birth Records
- The subject (or parent of the subject of the record if a minor) may obtain the record directly; all others (spouse, grandparent, children, etc.) should bring a signed authorization from the subject of the record and a copy of the subject's ID
- Legal representatives will need to provide a proof of legal relationship, i.e. court order, client agreement, etc.
- Death Records
- Applicant must provide proof of familial or legal relationship, i.e. birth, death or marriage certificates; court orders, legal will and testament, contracts, etc.
- Genealogists will need written permission from the subject (if alive) or a family member if the subject is deceased. Proof of relationship between the family member and the deceased will be required. If the subject is deceased and the state of Oklahoma was not previously notified, you will be required to provide a copy of the death certificate.
- Where do I get an application to request a birth certificate?
- What identification is required?
- A photocopy of a valid government issued photo ID by either the applicant or an individual attesting for the applicant is required for issuance of certificates.
- If you are mailing your application - Send a photocopy. Do not send your original ID. Photocopies must be legible.
- Acceptable Forms of Identification
- How do I apply for a certificate online?
- Complete your order online with our partner VitalChek and choose between receiving records by mail or pick-up at Will Call within two (2) business days. Online orders will receive 2 emails: Order Received and Order Processed. If all correct information is received upon the order and no additional service is required e.g. amendment, adoption; it takes about two (2) business days to get the order processed.
- The Oklahoma State Department of Health does not accept online or phone orders directly; however, for your convenience, you can process on-line requests through our partners. An additional fee is charged for using these services and all major credit cards are accepted including American Express®, Discover®, MasterCard® or Visa®.
- Complete your order online with our partner VitalChek and choose between receiving records by mail or pick-up at Will Call within two (2) business days. Online orders will receive 2 emails: Order Received and Order Processed. If all correct information is received upon the order and no additional service is required e.g. amendment, adoption; it takes about two (2) business days to get the order processed.
INTERNET or PHONE (405) 426-8880: Birth and Death Certificates issued to eligible birth applicants. Cost is $20.00 for the first copy and $15 for each individual copy. Online rates will vary for non-residents. Orders may be expedited for an additional fee.
- How do I apply for a certificate over the phone?
- Complete full order over the phone with our partner VitalChek and choose between receiving records by mail or pick-up at Will Call within two (2) business days. If all correct information is received upon the order and no additional service is required e.g. amendment, adoption; it takes about two (2) business days to get the order processed.
- The Oklahoma State Department of Health does not accept online or phone orders directly; however, for your convenience, you can process on-line requests through our partners. An additional fee is charged for using these services and all major credit cards are accepted including American Express®, Discover®, MasterCard® or Visa®.
- PHONE (405) 426-8880: Birth Certificates issued to eligible applicants. Cost is $20.00 for the first copy and $15 for each individual copy. Online rates will vary for non-residents. Orders may be expedited for an additional fee.
- Complete full order over the phone with our partner VitalChek and choose between receiving records by mail or pick-up at Will Call within two (2) business days. If all correct information is received upon the order and no additional service is required e.g. amendment, adoption; it takes about two (2) business days to get the order processed.
- How do I apply for a birth certificate by mail?
- Complete your order via mail and the record will be returned to you by mail within 6 weeks.
- Required: Application birth, photo ID, fees birth checks or money orders should be payable to OSDH
- Birth and death records are confidential. If you are not a named parent or the subject of the record, you will need to include additional documentation before a record can be released.
- Address:
- Vital Records Service
Oklahoma State Department of Health
PO Box 248964
Oklahoma City, OK 73124-8964 - Failure to include all required items or submitting incomplete applications will cause delays in completing your request!
- Vital Records Service
- Complete your order via mail and the record will be returned to you by mail within 6 weeks.
- How do I apply for a certificate in person?
- Applications may only be submitted on-line, by phone or by mail. Please see links below for more information.
- How do I pick up my order at Will Call?
- Online Orders – complete your order online with our partner VitalChek and choose between receiving records by mail or pick-up at Will Call within two (2) business days. Online orders will receive 2 emails: Order Received and Order Processed. If all correct information is received upon the order and no additional service is required e.g. amendment, adoption; it takes about two (2) business days to get the order processed.
- Phone Orders – complete full order over the phone with our partner VitalChek and choose between receiving records by mail or pick-up at Will Call within two (2) business days.
- Applicant must bring a photo ID and the order confirmation. Will Call orders will receive 2 emails: Order received and Order ready for pick-up. Location options include OKC, Tulsa and McAlester.
- Will Call Hours – 12:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
- What if I still have questions?
- For the quickest answer, please select the link on the left that best relates to your question. If you do not find what you need, please contact us.
Phone: (405) 426-8880
- For the quickest answer, please select the link on the left that best relates to your question. If you do not find what you need, please contact us.
- Birth and Death Record Search Statutes
- 63 O.S. Sec. 1-323 (Effective Nov 1, 2016)
- A. To protect the integrity of vital statistics records, to ensure their proper use, and to ensure the efficient and proper administration of the vital statistics system, it shall be unlawful for any person to permit inspection of, or to disclose information contained in, vital statistics records, or to copy or issue a copy of all or part of any such record except to:
- The person who is the subject of the record
- A parent named on the record or a person acting with the parent's permission
- Somone acting with permission of the person who is the subject of the record
- Someone acting as a legal representative of the estate of the person who is the subject of the record
- Someone acting as a legal representative of a person involved in a probate of the estate of the person who is the subject of the record, as demonstrated by affidavit
- An attorney licensed to practice in the United States who demonstrates by affidavit that the record is necessary in order to administer a client's estate
- Someone in receipt of a court order from a court of competent jurisdiction ordering access to the record
- The Attorney General or to any district attorney upon request in the course of a criminal investigation
- Only in the case of a death certificate, a funeral director
- A representative of the Department of Corrections, when the subject of the record is under supervision of the Department of Corrections
- Any other person working in the best interest of the subject of the record, as determined by regulations of the State Board of Health
- B. The State Department of Health shall, by July 1, 2017, make available an online public index that includes, as is applicable, the name, gender, date of birth, date of death, county of birth, and county of death of all persons in its records. Birth data shall not be added to the index until twenty (20) years after the birth. Death data shall not be added to the index until five (5) years after the death. The index shall be made available online at no cost to users.
- OK2Explore - Public Index of Vital Records
- OK2Explore is a free searchable index of births and deaths that occurred in the state of Oklahoma.
- Search by type of event (birth or death), date of event, county of event, name of the subject and sex of the subject
- Identify whether a record is on file with the Department of Vital Records in Oklahoma without paying a search fee
- Information from records of births occurring in Oklahoma 20 or more years ago and records of deaths occurring in Oklahoma five (5) or more years ago
- Searching to see if the record is on file through OK2Explore is a different process than ordering the record once it has been identified. If you would like to order a record, a non-refundable search fee of $15 per record is required before locating the record and issuing a copy. Additional copies may be obtained for $15 each.
- Request a search by submitting a completed application online, over the phone or through the mail with a valid identification/photo ID, the required fees, and proof of eligibility.
- Please note, eligibility rules will still apply for non-open records.
- OK2Explore is a free searchable index of births and deaths that occurred in the state of Oklahoma.
- What if there is an error on my birth certificate?
- If you need to amend a birth record to 1) correct an error or 2) legally change name or parentage, please go to our Amendment page for more specific direction.
- What is an Heirloom birth certificate?
- The Heirloom Birth Certificate is 8 1/2 x 11 with a chocolate brown and mint green color palette bearing a depiction of a redbud - the official state tree. The certificate will reflect the child's name, date of birth, gender, place of birth and the names of the parents. The cost for an Heirloom birth certificate is $35.00. This $35 fee will provide for the issuance of both one Heirloom birth certificate and one standard Certified birth certificate.
- The same eligibility and identity requirements for any birth certificate also apply to the request for an heirloom certificate. The Heirloom certificate is a commemorative certificate and should not be used for proof of birth or identity for legal purposes.
To obtain an Heirloom Birth Certificate: if you are the subject of the record or a named parent: 1) Complete the Application, include a copy of your Photo ID and enclose $35.00 for each requested Heirloom certificate.
- What is a certificate of Foreign Birth?
- A Certificate of Foreign Birth may be placed on file in Oklahoma for minors born outside the US and who are adopted in Oklahoma by US citizens.
- Two documents are required:
- Court Document (one of the following)
- Certified copy of a Decree of Adoption from a district court in Oklahoma*
- Certified copy of a Certificate of Adoption from a district court in Oklahoma
- Certified copy of a Decree of Adoption from the Country of Birth with a certified English translation (if applicable)
*If a Decree of Adoption is Presented and it does not include all the information necessary to complete a Foreign Birth Certificate, a Certificate of Adoption may be required.
- Identification Document
- Copy of a Certified Birth Certificate from the country of birth with a copy of the certified English translation (if applicable)
- Court Document (one of the following)
- Two documents are required:
- A Certificate of Foreign Birth may be placed on file in Oklahoma for minors born outside the US and who are adopted in Oklahoma by US citizens.
Note: All documents presented will be reviewed and verified prior to acceptance
- What is an Apostille?
- An Apostille can be attached to a certified copy of a birth record to verify that the person who certified the document was an official at the time of the certification. These are routinely required for foreign use. The Secretary of State’s office is authorized to issue an Apostille in Oklahoma.
- Fees, location, and office hour information for the Secretary of State’s office is available at
- How do I get a copy of my original birth certificate if I was adopted?
- For adoptions which occurred after Nov 1, 1997, an uncertified copy of the original birth record may be obtained by the adopted person if:
- The adopted person is at least 18 years of age AND
- The identified birth parent(s) did not sign Affidavits of Non-Disclosure AND
- The subject of the adoption provides a signed notarized affidavit stating that he/she is unaware of the location of a biological sibling who under the age of 18 and currently living in an adoptive family (Open Adoption Records).
- The fee for the search and issuance of one certified copy (if the record is found) is $15.
- For all other situations, the records are sealed and are not open for public inspection. In those cases, a certified court order from a court of competent jurisdiction is required to be submitted. The fee for the search and issuance of one certified copy (if the record is found) is $40.
- In all cases, the request must be submitted along with a completed application and a valid photo ID.
- For adoptions which occurred after Nov 1, 1997, an uncertified copy of the original birth record may be obtained by the adopted person if:
- What if I was born in another state?
- The National Center for Health Statistics has information on vital record for all states. For more information, view Where to Write for Vital Records.
- What is a Delayed Certificate?
- A delayed certificate is a certificate filed for a birth that was not recorded within the first year of birth. Records not filed in a timely manner can be for a number of reasons and in the majority of cases, is dependent on the date of birth with the need for filing a delayed certificate more prominent for the earlier years when birth records were not established in a timely manner as they are today. It is important to note here that original birth records date back to October of 1908. This is the date that the filing process began in Oklahoma. It was not mandatory until 1917 that records be filed and even after that time, the earlier records are sketchy, since birth records were not needed then as they are today for identification purposes.
- An individual born prior to October, 1908 may have filed a delayed birth record but they would have to file the record personally and have a need for the birth record.
- How do I apply for a Delayed certificate?
- Complete the application for obtaining a Birth Certificate and submit the application with proper birth facts, ID and fees. Upon receipt of the acceptable application by an entitled individual, a search for the requested record will be made.
- If a certificate is not located instructions will be issued regarding the filing of a Delayed Certificate of Birth. Documentation established by the registrant, since birth, that substantiate the facts of birth, will be required before consideration is given for the filing of the certificate.
- What type of documents are required for a Delayed Certificate?
- Three documents must indicate the date of birth (one document must indicate date of birth) or age.
- Two documents must indicate the birthplace as Oklahoma.
- One document must indicate the full names of both parents including the mother’s maiden name (proof of parents marriage may be required)
- Suggested documents would include:
- Early School Enrollment Record
- Military Discharge
- Marriage License
- Child’s Official Birth Certificate (Not hospital keepsake records)
- Insurance Policy
- Physicians Record
- Social Security Account Application
- Official Census Records
- All documents must be official records and have been established at or near the time of birth and/or established at least ten (10) years prior to application. Each document must be from an official source that is verifiable and must have official certification and be dated with the date the record was established and the date the record was issued. Only one document from each source is acceptable, (i.e. one school record, one child’s birth certificate, etc.). The document must contain the name of the registrant and at least one of the facts to be established (date of birth, place of birth, parents). Documents submitted may indicate more that one of the facts to be established, such as a child’s birth certificate may indicate the registrant’s age on a specific date and birthplace.
- Remember, documents are being submitted to substantiate specific birth facts. Unacceptable documents often submitted are social security cards (the card has no birth facts), marriage license (some licenses have age or birth date for the applicants, some do not), etc. Documents with no birth facts are not acceptable.
- All documents are subject to review, verification and acceptance.
- Additional documentation may be required.
- Submission of a fraudulent application for a birth record is punishable by law.
- Delayed certificates are not filed for deceased individuals.
- Delayed certificates cannot be amended after filed unless court ordered determination of paternity is received.
Applying for a Death Certificate
- Who is responsible for filing a death record?
- It is the responsibility of the funeral director to obtain the personal information of the deceased from the next of kin or best qualified source available. Once that is complete, the funeral director will provide the record to the physician to complete the cause of death information. The funeral director then has the final responsibility to file the record with the State Registrar.
- Who is eligible to apply for a death certificate?
- By state law, death records filed are not open for public inspection. Obtaining a death certificate by or for fraudulent purposes is punishable by law.
- The person requesting the certificate must meet specific eligibility standards. Review an option below to see the standards dependent on who is asking for the records.
- Person Acting in the Subject's Best Interest
- Surviving Spouse, Parent, Child, Grandparent, Sibling or Legal Guardian
- Complete Application
- Signature of the Applicant on the Application
- Fees
- 1 primary form of ID OR 2 forms of secondary ID (If using secondary ID, the certificate MUST be mailed to the address on the IDs.)
- Legal representative of the estate of the deceased as documented by an order from a court of competent jurisdiction;
- Complete Application
- Signature of the Applicant on the Application
- Fees
- 1 primary form of ID of the Applicant
- Proof of relationship to the subject (e.g. client agreement, court order, notarized statement, etc.)
- If attorney is using a runner
- Letter from attorney on firm letterhead identifying the runner
- Funeral director of record or agent thereto, working in the capacity of their official business
- Other eligible parties may include:
- An individual who can establish a familial relationship with the deceased
- Person with a court order from a court of competent jurisdiction
- A person who was a co-owner or a joint tenant on real or personal property of the decedent
- A person listed in a will of the decedent, provided the will is in probate
- Additional documentation may be required demonstrating the requestor’s authorization to obtain the death record requested.
- An individual who can establish a familial relationship with the deceased
- Person Acting in the Subject's Best Interest
- Genealogists
- Genealogist or other eligible parties
- Open records (50 years or older)
- Complete Application
- Signature of the Applicant on the Application
- Fees
- 1 primary form of ID of the Applicant
- Closed Records (occurring within last 125 years)
- Complete Application
- Signature of the Applicant on the Application
- Fees
- 1 primary form of ID of the Applicant
- If the subject is deceased:
- Statement signed by a family member, proof of familial relationship to the decedent, and a copy of the family member’s ID and proof of death (if the death occurred outside Oklahoma) - OR -
- Court order
- Additional documentation may be required demonstrating the requestor’s authorization to obtain the death record requested.
- How do I apply for a death certificate?
- In-Person
- Vital Records lobbies are closed for walk-in visits. For faster service, please utilize our online and phone order options. If all correct information is received upon the order, it takes about two (2) business days to get the order processed. Please note that incomplete or incorrect information may result in delays in your order being processed no matter the order method.
- Phone
- Call (405) 426-8880 to place an order over the phone with our partner VitalChek. Choose between receiving your certificate by mail or "Will Call" pick-up within two (2) business days.
- An additional fee is charged for using phone services. All major credit cards are accepted including American Express®, Discover®, MasterCard® or Visa®.
- The cost is $20.00 for the first copy and $15 for each individual copy. Rates will vary for non-residents. Orders may be expedited for an additional fee.
- Call (405) 426-8880 to place an order over the phone with our partner VitalChek. Choose between receiving your certificate by mail or "Will Call" pick-up within two (2) business days.
- Mail
- Order your death certificate through the mail and receive it through the mail in approximately 6 weeks.
- Failure to include all required items below or submitting incomplete applications can cause delays in completing your request.
- Fill out an Application For Search And Certified Copy Of Death Certificate - (Spanish Version)
- Send in Photo ID.
- Include a check or money order made payable to "OSDH" for the correct fee amount
- Birth and death records are confidential. If you are not a named parent or the subject of the record, you will need to include additional documentation before a record can be released
- Mail all items above to:
- Order your death certificate through the mail and receive it through the mail in approximately 6 weeks.
Vital Records Service
Oklahoma State Department of Health
PO Box 248964
Oklahoma City, OK 73124-8964
- Online
- Order your death certificate online through our partner VitalChek. Choose between receiving records by mail or pick-up at "Will Call" within two (2) business days. Online orders will receive two (2) emails: "Order Received" and "Order Processed."
- An additional fee is charged for using these services. All major credit cards are accepted including American Express®, Discover®, MasterCard® or Visa®.
- The cost is $20.00 for the first copy and $15 for each individual copy. Online rates will vary for non-residents. Orders may be expedited for an additional fee.
- Order your death certificate online through our partner VitalChek. Choose between receiving records by mail or pick-up at "Will Call" within two (2) business days. Online orders will receive two (2) emails: "Order Received" and "Order Processed."
- What identification is required?
- A photocopy of a valid government issued photo ID by either the applicant or an individual attesting for the applicant is required for issuance of certificates.
- If you are mailing your application - Send a photocopy. Do not send your original ID. Photocopies must be legible.
- Acceptable Forms of Identification
- What if I do not have identification?
- Attestation is when the subject of the record is applying for their own record and a second party is attesting to the subject’s identity. No third-party vouching is allowed (i.e. a friend cannot vouch for a parent to obtain a child’s certificate). The allowable attestation requirements are below:
- Signature of the Subject on the Application
- One (1) Secondary form of ID of the Subject
- If subject is less than 18 years of age, a school statement, including name, date of birth, and current address
- 1 primary form of ID of the Attester/2nd party
- Fees
- If using this option, the certificate MUST be mailed to the subject of the record at the address on the ID.
- Attestation is when the subject of the record is applying for their own record and a second party is attesting to the subject’s identity. No third-party vouching is allowed (i.e. a friend cannot vouch for a parent to obtain a child’s certificate). The allowable attestation requirements are below:
- How do I receive a stillbirth/fetal death certificate?
- A fetal death (or stillbirth) occurs in the unfortunate circumstance when the fetus dies prior to a complete delivery.
- Reporting a fetal death/stillbirth
- Effective Nov. 1, 2015, fetal deaths/stillbirths are required to be reported to the Oklahoma State Department of Health within three (3) days after the delivery when it occurs at 12 or more weeks gestation. [O.S. 63.1-301 8]. Prior to this date, stillbirths were required to be filed at 20 or more weeks gestation.
- The funeral director, or person acting as such, who first assumes custody of a fetus shall file the fetal death certificate. In the absence of such a person, the physician or other person in attendance at or after the delivery shall file the certificate of fetal death. They shall obtain the personal data from the next of kin or the best-qualified person or source available. They shall complete the certificate as to personal data and deliver the certificate to that person responsible for completing the medical certification of cause of death within 24 hours after delivery. The medical certification shall be completed and signed within 48 hours after delivery by the physician in attendance at or after delivery, except when inquiry into the cause of death is required by Section 938 of this title [O.S. 63.1-318]
- How to receive a fetal death/stillbirth certificate
- Eligibility guidelines
- By state law, Certificate of Birth Resulting in a Stillbirth are not open for public inspection and may only be requested by the parent of the stillborn child. By filing the request, you are indicating that you are the parent of record.
- Complete an application for a stillbirth certificate and submit with an acceptable form of identification. A photocopy of a valid government issued photo ID by either the applicant or an individual attesting for the applicant is required.
- Certified stillbirth/fetal death certificates have a $15 fee. Memorial certificates of births resulting in stillbirth are also available for the same $15 amount.
- Eligibility guidelines
In accordance with the Missing Angel Act - Christopher and Kendall's Law - this memorial certificate will become available November 1, 2008. The Memorial Certificate is only available to the parents of the stillborn child. This is not a new certificate, but is an abstract of the information recorded on the Legal Fetal Death/Stillbirth certificate and was designed to memorialize the stillbirth event.

This certificate shall not be used as evidence of live birth nor for identification purposes. The Memorial Certificate is printed on an 8 1/2" x 11" page with a dark trim, on a sea foam green background bearing a white dove. The Certificate will reflect the name, date of delivery, place of birth, and parent's names.
- What if the death occurred in another state?
- The National Center for Health Statistics has information on vital record for all states. For more information, view Where to Write for Vital Records.
- How do I pick up a certificate at "Will Call"?
- "Will Call" pickup service is available for online and phone orders only. When you complete your order online or over the phone with our partner VitalChek, you can choose between receiving records by mail or through pick-up at "Will Call" within two (2) business days.
- "Will Call" orders will receive two emails: "Order Received" and "Order Processed/Ready for Pickup." Once the order is ready, you can schedule a time to pick up the order at one of three Vital Records locations within the state - Oklahoma City, Tulsa nd McAlester.
- Applicant must bring a photo ID and the order confirmation.
- Will Call Hours – 12:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. | Monday – Friday
- Copies and Changes for Death Certificates
- How long does it take to get a certified copy of a death certificate?
- Below are the average processing times for standard death certificate orders; however requests which require certificates to be amended or replaced can take longer.
- Online and phone orders are processed in approximately two (2) business days. These may be expedited through our partner VitalChek for an additional fee.
- Mail orders will not be expedited. Please allow at least 16 weeks for standard issuance of a mail order. Be sure to review before sending by mail to assure your order is complete. Missing items or information will delay our response.
- Any additional documentation required to process an amendment or replacement of a death certificate can cause further delays.
- Below are the average processing times for standard death certificate orders; however requests which require certificates to be amended or replaced can take longer.
- How long does it take to get a certified copy of a death certificate?
- What if there is an error on a death certificate?
- Death records may be amended in accordance with Oklahoma law based on specific legal documents. Please complete an application and mail it along with a copy of your ID and a detailed description of what the error is. Once we have reviewed your application, we will send you a letter of instruction. An additional fee of $20 may be requested to cover the cost of the amendment.
- What is an Apostille and how can I get one?
- An Apostille is a form of authentication that can be used to verify the person who certified a document was an official at the time of the certification. An Apostille can be attached to a certified copy of a death record. These are routinely required for foreign use. The Oklahoma Secretary of State’s office is authorized to issue an Apostille in Oklahoma.
- Learn more about fees, location and office hours at the Apostille page at the Oklahoma Secretary of State website.
- Death Certificate Correction of an Error in the Physician Section
- This section includes the cause and manner of death, as well as other pertinent information related to the circumstances of the death. These items may only be amended based on a request from either the medical examiner or the attending physician who indicated on the original death certificate.
- Stillbirth/Fetal Death Eligibility
- By state law, Certificate of Birth Resulting in a Stillbirth are not open for public inspection and may only be requested by the parent of the stillborn child. By signing the request, you are indicating that you are the parent of record.
- Acceptable Forms of Identification
- A photocopy of a valid government issued photo ID by either the applicant or an individual attesting for the applicant is required for issuance of certificates.
- Stillbirth/Fetal Death Application
- How to Request an Amendment
- Requests for amendment of a birth record should be submitted by the adult subject or a named parent on the record (if the subject is a minor).
- Requests for amendment of a death record should be submitted through the Funeral Home of record when possible. A request can also be submitted by a family member with the legal authority for the decedent’s estate or by a legal representative of the estate.
- How can I correct a recording error on a birth record?
- If the child is under the age of one, an amendment application request to correct it can be completed. Please visit the Vital Records Forms page for the application form.
- Minor Correction of an Error
- A minor error on a certificate can typically be described as a typographical or clerical error e.g. Mother’s name is Carol not Carole or Father’s birthdate is June 4 not April 6 (reversal of numbers). These types of errors can often be amended based on documentation such as early school records, military records, marriage license, parent birth record, etc. which definitively establishes what the correct version of the information is. These documents must be an official record that can be verified with the issuing source.
- To request a minor correction BY MAIL (birth or death), please mail a complete application (birth or death application), a copy of the applicant’s photo ID, applicable fees (Birth or Death), and a brief note explaining what action is requested. You are encouraged to submit any supporting documentation you have for our review. Specific instructions will be provided based on the specifics of your case.
- Major Correction of an Error
- A major error is information that was provided or recorded completely in error. This may include for example changing Mother’s name from Emily to Jackie, completely changing multiple elements of a parent’s date of birth, or when the sex of subject was recorded in error. These types of errors can be amended with a court order based on documentation such as early school records, military records, marriage license, medical records, parent birth record, etc. which definitively establish what the correct information is. These documents must be an official record that can be verified with the issuing source.
- To request a major amendment BY MAIL (birth or death), please mail a complete application (birth or death application), a copy of the applicant’s photo ID, applicable fees (Birth or Death), and a brief note explaining what action is requested. You are encouraged to submit any supporting documentation you have for our review.
- Legal Change of Name
- A legal change of name requires a certified copy of a court order from a court of competent jurisdiction.
- Court order requirements:
- The court order must identify the subject of the record by full current legal name, full legal name at time of birth (if different), and date and place of birth.
- The order should identify what name should be shown as after amendment. [Note: If name is being amended, there should be no abbreviations or omissions in the final name. The name on the final record will be reflected exactly as indicated in the order.]
- If the applicant(s) is the parent of a minor child, the parent(s) should also be named in the order.
- Submitting your request:
- Paternity/Parentage
- If the delivering mother was married at the time of birth, in accordance with state law the spouse will be entered as the second parent unless both an acknowledgment from the other biological parent and a denial from the spouse are provided. Please refer to the official website for the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, Child Support Enforcement Division for proper information and forms.
- If the delivering mother was not married at the time of birth, in accordance with state law an acknowledgment of paternity will be required to add the second biological parent to the record. Please refer to the official website for the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, Child Support Enforcement Division for proper information and forms.
- Adoption Records
- An adoption occurs when one or both of the individuals determined at the time of birth to be the biological parent(s) are legally changed to indicate an individual(s) who is not a biological parent. The parental information as well as the child’s name (if desired) will be updated in accordance with Oklahoma law and upon receipt of the certified court order and other required information.
- When an adoption occurs, the original birth certificate is replaced with the new birth certificate that indicates the new legal parents. In accordance with state law, the original birth certificate and court documents are placed in a sealed confidential file. If the adoption was finalized prior to Nov 1, 1997 a court order is required to access the original record. If the adoption was finalized after Nov 1, 1997 the adopted person may request an uncertified copy of the original file if the conditions of OSS Title 10 § 7505-6.6 D. are met.
- Note: if a person was born in another state but adopted through a court in the State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Vital Records will not have a copy of that court action or the Adoption Decree. We do not maintain birth or adoption records for individuals who born in other states. Oklahoma Vital Records will only have information if the person was born in Oklahoma regardless of where the legal adoption occurred. If you are adopting a child who was born in Oklahoma, check with your attorney or a court to assure the appropriate documents are provided to our office.
- When applying for a copy of the birth certificate for a child born in Oklahoma after the adoption was filed, the application should be completed using the adoptive birth facts e.g. the new name of the child (if changed) and the name(s) of the new parent(s).
- Surrogacy
- If a delivering mother agreed to become pregnant in order to carry a child for someone else in accordance with a pre-arranged legal arrangement, the original birth record will be registered with the information of the delivering mother in accordance with state law (OSS Title 63 § 1-311F.). Once the required legal documents are received by Vital Records, the original record will be sealed and the receiving parent(s) will be placed on the new record. The resulting record will not be marked as amended. Please contact the Vital Records office prior to delivery of the baby to assure all required legal documents have been received before any copies of the birth certificate are issued.
- Appeals
- Requests for amendment which are not accepted by the registrar e.g. ineligible applicant or lack of supporting evidence may be appealed by filing a petition with the Administrative Hearing Clerk pursuant to OAC 310:2 and seek a final decision by an Administrative Law Judge granting the relief requested. The applicant shall bear the burden of proof, by clear and convincing evidence that the proposed change, alteration or amendment sought by the Applicant corrects an error or misstatement of fact. Specific information about the process is available at the link above.
Orders placed via Phone or Online
Eligible for Will Call pickup or Expedited shipping
Type | Certificate Fee | Convenience fee (Oklahoma residents) | Convenience fee (non-OK residents) | Processing Time (Complete application from eligible applicant) |
Birth Certificate | $15.00 per copy | $5.00 | $12.95 | 1-2 business days |
Birth Heirloom1 | $35.00 | $5.00 | $12.95 | 1-2 business days |
Death Certificate | $15.00 per copy | $5.00 | $12.95 | 1-2 business days |
Legal Action2 | $40.00 | $13.95 | $13.95 | Up to 4 weeks |
1Issuance includes a birth certificate
2New adoptions, amendments, paternities or delayed registrations
Orders placed by Mail | |
Type | Certificate Fee |
Birth Certificate | $15.00 per copy |
Birth Heirloom1 | $35.00 |
Death Certificate | $15.00 per copy |
Legal Action2 | $40.00 |
1Issuance includes a birth certificate
2New adoptions, amendments, paternities or delayed registrations
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Vital Records Service
Oklahoma State Department of Health
PO Box 248964
Oklahoma City, OK 73124-8964
Phone: (405) 426-8880