Office of Accountability Systems
The Office of Accountability Systems (OAS) serves as an independent accountability risk management system within the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Its mission is to promote accountability and integrity in all OSDH programs by fostering and perpetuating an ethical culture throughout the Agency.
OAS Responsibilities
- Receive and fairly investigate complaints by, or information from, OSDH employees, service recipients and/or members of the general public concerning the possible existence of an activity within the OSDH constituting a violation of law, rules, regulations, mismanagement, gross waste of funds, abuse of authority or a substantial and specific danger to the public health and safety.
- Coordinate audits and investigations and make reports to the BOH and State Commissioner of Health.
- Communicate and work effectively with Agency leadership.
- OAS Director to create an infrastructure that will foster and perpetuate a positive ethical culture throughout the Agency, including an ethics training program consisting of mandatory ethics education and training activities for all OSDH employees that is constantly updated to insure vitality and responsiveness.
- As a result of these activities, an Ethics Handbook is provided and serves as a valuable guidance tool for OSDH employees faced with difficult ethical issues or concerns.
OSDH Expectations
- OSDH employees are encouraged to conduct themselves at all times in an ethical manner and not make decisions based solely upon self-interest and/or expediency.
- Agency leadership is encouraged to recognize and support the independent role of the OAS.
- OSDH employees are encouraged to follow their normal supervisory chain of command pursuant to the Agency’s administrative procedures that are not within the scope of OAS complaints policy.
- If a situation arises where an OSDH employee is not able to follow his or her normal chain of command, he or she is encouraged to speak in complete confidence and by statute confidentiality with the OAS Director. An OSDH employee may discuss OAS matters with the Director without the knowledge or consent of the employee’s supervisor.
- OSDH will not tolerate or condone any retaliatory disciplinary action against an OSDH employee who in good faith engages in protected whistleblower activity.
Complaint Form
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Office of Accountability
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Suite 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406
Physical Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: (405) 521-6355