RX for Oklahoma Prescription Assistance
RX for Oklahoma is a service that helps Oklahomans with long-term prescription medication costs access assistance programs provided by pharmaceutical companies.
Oklahoma residents, regardless of age, who are uninsured, underinsured or low income (at or below federal poverty limits) are encouraged to apply. Medicare Part D and Medicaid beneficiaries with unique circumstances may qualify.
RX for Oklahoma Brochure
There is no charge for RX Oklahoma services. Staff is available to provide assistance with the application process. Find out more in our brochure.

RX for Oklahoma staff will take your information and ask about your prescriptions. They will use this information to assist you with forms and documentation needed. The entire process may take up to a month, so only long-term medications qualify.
When you call or visit your local office, please be ready to provide proof of the following:
- Age
- Residential address
- Gross annual household income
- Complete list of medications you are taking and physician information
- Insurance coverage (if applicable)
To get started, call 1-877-RX4-OKLA (1-877-794-6552) today.
You can also contact the regional center serving your community.
Fiscal Year 2025 Request for Application (RFA)
Oklahoma Department of Commerce (Commerce) accepts applications from entities across the state to implement and manage the Rx for Oklahoma Prescription Assistance Program.
Who: Oklahoma local public and/or private nonprofit social service entities, county human service departments, county health departments and community mental health centers should apply
What: The application contract term, begins July 1, 2024, with four one-year options to renew (maximum of five years)
When: The application deadline has been extended to June 21, 2024
Where: Applications are completed and submitted through OKGrants
Why: To provide prescription assistance to residents of Oklahoma

Contact Us
For questions about the program, contact (405) 930-0066 or RX4OKLA@health.ok.gov.