Oklahoma Statistical Analysis Center

The mission of the Oklahoma Statistical Analysis Center is to collect, analyze, and publish criminal justice research and statistics to assist in ensuring the safety and security of the citizens of Oklahoma.
Statistical Analysis Centers are units or agencies at the state government level that use operational, management, and research information from all components of the criminal justice system to conduct objective analyses of statewide and system-wide policy issues. Currently, there are SACs in 53 states and territories. The SACs vary in their placement within state government structures. Some are within a criminal justice or general state planning or coordinating agency, some are part of a governor's advisory staff, and others are located in a line agency such as the state police, attorney general's office, or department of corrections. There are several housed in universities.
This diversity is also reflected in the SACs' roles and activities in their respective states. Some of the SACs concentrate on collecting and distribution specific criminal justice-related data sets, others are involved in active research on policy issues, and some have been instrumental in the design and implementation of various policies and automated information systems. The Justice Information Resource Network (JIRN) compiles and maintains the publications produced by SACs in their Justice Information Center.
The Oklahoma Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) is housed at the OSBI. The SAC serves as the clearinghouse for state criminal justice information for Oklahoma and is the central point of contact for local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies. In addition to answering research requests, staff work on several grant projects throughout the year. SAC projects are partially funded by the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
To learn about the SAC's Current Projects and view the interactive Crime Statistics dashboard, select the dropdown for the Statistical Analysis Center in the left navigation. You can also browse the publications that the SAC publishes on various crime statistics.
Contact SAC
Oklahoma Statistical Analysis Center
6600 N Harvey Pl
Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Fax: (405) 879-2301
Program Staff
Vacant, Statistical Research Coordinator
Derek Still, Statistical Research Specialist
Christopher Cordova, Statistical Research Specialist
- Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
- Justice Information Resource Network (JIRN)
- National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACDP)
- International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
- National Sheriffs Association (NSA)
- Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (OCADVSA)
- Oklahoma Department of Corrections (DOC)
- Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS)
- Oklahoma District Attorneys Council
- Oklahoma Ethics Commission
- Oklahoma Office of the Attorney General (OAG)
- Oklahoma State Courts Network (OSCN)
- Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH)
- Tribal Court Clearinghouse