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Field Services Unit

You can access all the law enforcement programs supported by the Field Services Unit by selecting a link in the left navigation column under the Field Services Unit.

The Field Services Unit (FSU) is responsible for Oklahoma's Uniform Crime Reporting System.  State law requires all state, county, city and town law enforcement agencies to report to this system.  To that end, FSU employees train agencies in the collection of crime statistics and then provide ongoing program support.  Since the early 1970s, statistics have been collected in the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Summary format.  

In 2004 the unit began transitioning agencies from summary reporting to the State Incident-Based Reporting System (SIBRS).  The SIBRS format collects more detailed incident and arrest information than summary and facilitates information sharing among participating agencies. SIBRS is very close to being deployed statewide.

The FSU works closely with the Oklahoma Statistical Analysis Center to compile and report crime statistics.

FSU also oversees installation, maintenance and upgrades for the Offender Data Information System (ODIS).  ODIS is a case management system used by over 270 law enforcement agencies in Oklahoma to track reported crimes and report those statistics to SIBRS.

Crime Statistics

Crime statistics are compiled annually and published as Crime in Oklahoma by the SAC Unit.  In addition, they are forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for inclusion in the Crime in the United States publication. The criminal justice community, educators, and others use these statistics in determining crime trends, solutions, and planning for the future.

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To learn more about what law enforcement programs the OSBI offers, click the dropdown arrow under the Field Services Unit, then select Law Enforcement Programs.  You may also search for your agency field representative if you need assistance.

a cloud with a lightbulb icon in the middle

To learn more about what law enforcement programs the OSBI offers, click the "Menu" link, then click the dropdown arrow under the Field Services Unit, then select Law Enforcement Programs.  You may also search for your agency field representative if you need assistance.

Last Modified on Feb 20, 2025
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