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Rapid DNA

What is Rapid DNA?

Rapid DNA is a fully automated, hands-free testing procedure to develop a DNA profile in just 90 minutes – with no human intervention necessary.  This technology, paired with the state’s Rapid DNA database, can potentially provide law enforcement agencies with investigative leads in a matter of hours.   

In January 2024, the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI), in a coordinated effort with Oklahoma’s other accredited forensic laboratories and law enforcement agencies, began the development and implementation of the Statewide Rapid DNA Investigative Lead Program.  With the cooperation of Oklahoma City Police Department and Tulsa Police Department laboratories, OSBI formed a Rapid DNA Team tasked with bringing Oklahoma’s law enforcement faster investigative leads using Rapid DNA technology while focusing on quality and reliability for the program. 

How does the new Statewide Rapid DNA Investigative Lead Program work?

The Statewide Rapid DNA Investigative Lead Program was developed to be operator-friendly with an easy and straightforward workflow.  It was modeled after other successful Rapid DNA investigative lead programs across the nation and adapted for Oklahoma.  The program is operated outside of accredited laboratory services; thus, as the program expands, future Rapid DNA workspaces may be housed within any Oklahoma law enforcement agency.  This statewide program allows for the timely development of Rapid DNA profiles and Rapid DNA database entry of suitable DNA profiles for searching.  Rapid DNA testing can ONLY be performed by certified Rapid DNA operators.  Following the Rapid DNA testing process, the results of the testing and any subsequent database search results will be communicated via a notification from

What is a certified Rapid DNA operator and how do I become one?

Rapid DNA operators are required to be current law enforcement personnel who have successfully completed the free, 3-hour CLEET accredited, in-person Statewide Rapid DNA Investigative Lead Training Program provided by the OSBI Rapid DNA Team at the OSBI Forensic Science Center (FSC) in Edmond.  Through certification, Rapid DNA operators are provided credentials and authorized to utilize any Rapid DNA workspace across the state under this program.  Certified Rapid DNA operators, through the training program, have the knowledge and experience to determine what evidence samples are suitable for Rapid DNA testing and what steps must be taken to perform the testing.  Evidence custody is maintained at all times by the Rapid DNA operator; however, OSBI Rapid DNA staff are available to consult and answer any questions that may arise during testing. 

Register to become a certified Rapid DNA operator today through the OSBI website: Forensic Services Training.

Scholarships are available for participants that may need assistance with travel accommodations through the Alaunna Raffield Fund, which was established by the OSBI in 2023 and dedicated to the memory of Alaunna Raffield.  Its purpose is to assist local law enforcement partners with the cost of attending training facilitated by the OSBI.  Each year, scholarship opportunities are provided to county and municipal law enforcement agencies for accredited training conducted by the OSBI, including this training course.  If you’re interested, you can find the scholarship application form here or under the Resources Tab to the right.  Remember to complete the application and submit it to the regional OSBI Captain at least eight weeks before the training date you’re applying for.  Alaunna Raffield’s legacy lives on through this fund, supporting law enforcement professionals in their pursuit of knowledge and skills.

What samples are suitable for Rapid DNA testing?

  • Sufficient staining
  • Robust
  • Single Source

A sample must have a sufficient amount of staining present to be analyzed by an accredited forensic DNA laboratory before Rapid DNA testing can be considered.  Due to the automated, hands-free nature of the Rapid DNA instrumentation, the technology is not as sensitive as conventional DNA testing performed in an accredited DNA laboratory.  Additionally, only DNA profiles comprised of DNA from a single individual can be entered into the Rapid DNA database for searching.

Therefore, Rapid DNA samples must have sufficient staining present to be collected on two swabs simultaneously, are suspected to be robust and high-quality DNA sources, and are reasonably believed to contain DNA from a single person.  If these criteria are not met, Rapid DNA testing should not be performed.

What will happen to the sample during Rapid DNA testing?

A suitable Rapid DNA sample is placed in a sample cartridge and loaded into the Rapid DNA instrument by the certified Rapid DNA operator.  Once the testing begins, the instrument will complete all steps necessary to obtain a DNA profile in just 90 minutes with no human interaction necessary.  After the run is complete, the data is evaluated by OSBI Rapid DNA personnel to determine if it is suitable for entry into the state’s Rapid DNA database.  Suitable Rapid DNA profiles obtained during testing are entered into the database and automatically searched against over 200,000 DNA profiles. 

All testing is performed by law enforcement personnel approved as Rapid DNA operators through the successful completion of the Statewide Rapid DNA Investigative Lead Training Program.  At no time during Rapid DNA testing does Rapid DNA staff or other OSBI personnel take possession or custody of the evidence. 

What will happen to the sample after Rapid DNA testing?

Once the sample is placed into the sample cartridge and the instrument has begun processing, no further intervention is necessary.  At the conclusion of the Rapid DNA sample run, the sample is considered consumed and is not suitable to be retrieved from the cartridge.  Both the cartridge and sample are discarded after testing by personnel at the workspace site.  

Where do I go for Rapid DNA testing?

Oklahoma’s Statewide Rapid DNA Investigative Lead Program is available to all law enforcement agencies across the state.  This program currently has one Rapid DNA instrument available at the OSBI Forensic Science Center (FSC) located at 800 E. 2nd Street, Edmond, OK 73034.  The OSBI FSC Rapid DNA workspace can be accessed by approved Rapid DNA operators through the OSBI Evidence Submission lobby.  Once in the lobby, notify one of the OSBI Physical Evidence Technicians that you are there to perform Rapid DNA testing.  The Physical Evidence Technician will contact the appropriate Rapid DNA staff to provide operators with direct access to the workspace. 

When is the OSBI FSC Rapid DNA workspace open?

Currently, the Rapid DNA instrument is accessible Monday through Friday from 8am-4pm, except state holidays.  Under certain circumstances, exceptions and other arrangements may be made by contacting the OSBI Rapid DNA Program Manager. 

Do I need an appointment to use the OSBI FSC Rapid DNA workspace?

At this time, no appointment is necessary.  However, it is encouraged that you contact the OSBI Rapid DNA Program Manager prior to bringing in an item for Rapid DNA testing.  Appointments can be made anytime during normal business hours by emailing

Do I need to complete any paperwork before coming?

No paperwork needs to be completed prior to arrival to use a Rapid DNA workspace.  All required forms are available in the Rapid DNA workspace and can be completed on-site at the time of testing.  Completed forms must include the necessary information surrounding the sample selected for Rapid DNA, including but not limited to agency/point-of-contact, case number(s), item number(s), offense, date of offense, and other relevant details.   Once these forms are completed, they can be provided to the OSBI Rapid DNA Program Manager directly, through the OSBI Physical Evidence Technician Unit, or via email at   If you would like to expedite your visit, you are welcome request these forms ahead of time and complete them prior to your arrival.

Are there other Rapid DNA locations?

Currently, the only available Rapid DNA workspace is located at the OSBI Forensic Science Center (FSC) in Edmond; however, additional workspace locations are being identified at this time and will be added across the state for Rapid DNA operators to use as the program grows.   

I have more questions.  Who can I contact?

Contact the OSBI Rapid DNA Program Manager, Beth A. Deen.  Her contact information is listed under the Contact box in the right column.

* Rapid DNA testing is not suitable for all samples or cases; evidence circumstances should be carefully evaluated prior to performing any Rapid DNA testing.  No Criminalistics Examination Report is provided for samples tested with Rapid DNA; if a Criminalistics Examination Report is needed, the evidence items should be submitted to the appropriate accredited laboratory for conventional DNA analysis.  


Contact Information

  • Beth Deen, OSBI Rapid DNA Program Manager
  • Email:
  • OSBI Criminalistics Services Division main line (405) 330-6724

Training Information

Last Modified on Mar 18, 2025
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