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SoonerCare Choice

SoonerCare Choice is a Primary Care Case Management (PCCM) program in which each member has a medical home. The medical home provider will coordinate all health care services to qualifying Oklahomans.  Please visit our Qualification Guidelines page to find out if you qualify.

English | Spanish

If you need assistance with the online application you can call the SoonerCare helpline at 1-800-987-7767 or visit your local Community Action agency.

You may be a SoonerCare Choice member if:

  • You qualify for SoonerCare;
  • You do not qualify for Medicare;
  • You do not reside in an institution such as a nursing facility;
  • You are not receiving SoonerCare services through a home- and community-based waiver program;
  • You are not in state or tribal custody;
  • You are not in a health maintenance organization.
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