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Your Health Care Provider

Your health care provider is called your Primary Care Provider/Case Manager or PCP/CM. Your PCP/CM is your "medical home," that will take care of you and your family's basic health care needs.

Your PCP/CM will:

  • See you for a check-up or for other routine care
  • See you when you are sick or injured
  • Refer you to a specialist if you need one or
  • Admit you to the hospital or arrange for you to be admitted

Choosing a PCP/CM

If you became a member using the online enrollment process, you have already chosen a PCP/CM. If you applied by any other method, you will need to choose a PCP/CM. You must call the SoonerCare Helpline to choose your medical home at 800-987-7767. Your SoonerCare benefits will be limited if you do not choose a PCP/CM.

You can use the same PCP/CM for your whole family or each family member can choose a different one. Your PCP/CM must be within 45 miles of your home to qualify for SoonerRide. SoonerRide is free transportation for non-emergency care.

Sometimes, the PCP/CM you choose is not taking new SoonerCare patients. In this case, SoonerCare Choice will select another PCP/CM for you.

PCP/CM choices for pregnant women

If you are pregnant you can choose one of the two options:

  • You can go to your current PCP/CM if they provide prenatal care and delivery.
  • You can choose to go to any SoonerCare health care provider, including a nurse midwife, for your pregnancy care without a referral. Just make sure you tell your PCP/CM about who will deliver your baby and where the birth will take place.

Start thinking now about which PCP/CM you will want for your new baby's regular check up visits. You are responsible for informing SoonerCare about the birth of your baby. This is very important for your baby's SoonerCare eligibility.

Last Modified on Dec 09, 2020