Apply for Benefits
- English
- En Español
Where to Apply
Based on your situation, there are a few different ways to apply for SoonerCare. Read below to determine if you should apply here, with DHS, or other location.
Below are your options if you meet the citizenship and income guidelines and are in one of the following categories, you can apply for Soonercare on this website:
- Children (newborn up to 19 years of age)
- Pregnant women (women of child bearing age)
- Low income non-disabled adults with children (under age 19)
- Individuals seeking family planning services (19 years of age and older)
- Individuals seeking behavioral health services (no age limit)
- Adults, not eligible for Medicare, age 19-64
- Individuals who are employed by a company enrolled in Insure Oklahoma
- Individuals who were enrolled in Medicaid and who aged out of foster care (at 18 years old) in another state, on or after January 1, 2023
You can apply online. Prepare for Application then continue to the Online Application.
You can use a form to apply for SoonerCare health insurance for yourself and everyone in your immediate family who lives with you. You may download the English or Spanish application, fill it out and mail it in. If you need help filling out the form, call the SoonerCare Helpline at 1-800-987-7767.
If you meet the citizenship and income guidelines and are in one of the following categories you can apply for SoonerCare with DHS.
- Age 65 or over
- Blind (any age)
- Disabled adults
- Disabled children who do not qualify for Social Security Income because of their parents income and/or resources (TEFRA)
- Individuals who reside in nursing homes, yet qualify for SoonerCare
- Individuals with Medicare coverage that need assistance to pay premiums, coinsurance and/or deductibles
- Home and community-based waiver populations.
- Children in the custody of DHS
- Individuals who receive treatment for Tuberculosis (TB). Benefits through SoonerCare are limited to TB drugs and TB clinic visits and only if the individual has active TB. These benefits are for a limited amount of time only.
You may apply at your local county DHS office or download the PS-1 - Request for Services application from the DHS website. The DHS workers will assist you in gathering the needed information such as your income, assets, family size and, if available, recent medical information. For more suggestions regarding long-term care application, see Applying for Long-Term Care.
Women with breast and/or cervical cancer. Once you have been screened and found to be in need of further diagnosis and/or treatment for breast or cervical cancer, you or your screener can call the Oklahoma State Department of Health to find out how to apply for Oklahoma Cares.