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Hepatitis C Provider Information

Who should be Screened for Hepatitis C?

The CDC recommends universal hepatitis C screening for all U.S. adults and all pregnant women during every pregnancy.

  • Additionally, consider testing any patients who have the following risk factors:
  • Baby Boomer (born between 1945-1965)
  • Millennial (born between 1981-1996)
    • fastest rising population
    • childbearing years passing infection to baby
  • Have been exposed to unsterilized needles
  • Have liver disease
  • Have HIV/AIDS
  • Have received dialysis

What blood tests are used to diagnose HCV infection?

Clinicians should use an HCV antibody test with reflex to an HCV RNA test for positive/reactive results.

Hepatitis C Questions and Answers for Health Professionals

What Does SoonerCare Cover?

SoonerCare covers all FDA approved direct acting antivirals.  Mavyret is available without a referral to a specialist and without a prior authorization.  See RX Prescribing below.

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Last Modified on Apr 22, 2024
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