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2019 OHCA Tribal Partnership Action Plan

Topics identified by tribal partners at Oct. 22, 2019 Annual Tribal Consultation Meeting

ARCHIVES: 2015-2016    2017-2018    2019

ACTION ITEM: Support tribal partner efforts to increase preventive care services available to AI/AN SoonerCare members for improved health outcomes.

Provide Feedback: If you would like to submit feedback on this Action Item, please click here.

Conditions that favor success
What does success look like?
Who will contribute what?
Resources Needed Partner Pledges Update
I/T/U providers are aware of SoonerCare allowable preventive services, thus increasing their capacity to provide these services to SoonerCare members. 1. Increase from 0 to 1 the number of SoonerCare I/T/U quick reference guide for preventive services. 1. OHCA will distribute a survey tool, to determine current practices and needs for preventive care in tribal communities.

2. OHCA will review policy for allowable services to determine which align with I/T/U provided services.

3. OHCA will create a quick reference guide and make available to I/T/U providers.
OHCA: Utilize administrative agency resources for research and creation of the guide.

Tribes: Participation for the survey and guide development.
(ODMHSAS) Assist in developing behavioral health areas of guidebook.

(Absentee Shawnee Tribe) Participate in the workgroup to develop the guide.
I/T/Us receive a Medicaid Incentive for all services currently related to obesity prevention. 1. Increase from 0 to 1 the number of incentives to I/T/Us for services specific to obesity prevention. I/T/Us and OHCA will establish performance measures and data sharing agreements. 1. OHCA will research budget implications and feasibility within the current SoonerCare program. OHCA: Utilize administrative agency resources, including federal policy.

Tribes: Apprise OHCA of prevention efforts and share data for services provided.
(Wyandotte Nation) In an effort to begin addressing the need for obesity prevention in tribal communities, will provide dietician counseling to parents of teens/children with obesity.  
SoonerCare members have access to culturally appropriate information about rules and protections for American Indians. 1. Increase from 0 to 1 the number of tribal specific SoonerCare member handbook/guide. 1. OHCA will create a tribal specific member handbook/guide and will seek input from I/T/Us and American Indian members to develop content.

2. Tribal partners will send FAQs to OHCA and assist with developing content. Tribal partners will disseminate handbook/guide to tribal citizens and community members.
OHCA: Utilize administrative resources and cost to develop the handbook/guide.

Tribes: Provide input and disseminate materials to constituents.
  American Indian Medically Fragile brochure and SoonerQuit poster have been updated and made available for download on the OHCA webpage.