Cybersecurity & Planning Coordinator
(405) 365-2753
The Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security specializes in preparing city, county, and state entities for the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats. We offer a range of services aimed at enhancing the resilience and readiness of our communities. We believe in the power of collaboration and actively engage with the community to share knowledge and insights. Through partnerships with local entities, we work together to create a united front against cyber threats.
Goal Statement
Our goal is to empower city, county, and state entities with the knowledge and skills necessary to safeguard their digital infrastructure. We are committed to fostering a cyber-resilient community through proactive training, engaging tabletop exercises, and insightful cybersecurity presentations.
All U.S. Government agencies are transitioning to .gov domains.
Why use .gov?
Moving to a .GOV Domain Guide
.gov is a ‘top-level domain’, or TLD, similar to .com, .org, or .us. Enterprises use a TLD to register a domain name (often simply called a domain) for use in their online services, like a website or email.
In many well-known TLDs, anyone can register a domain for a fee, and as long as they pay there aren’t many questions asked about whether the name they chose corresponds to their real-life name or services. While this can be a useful property for creative communication, it can also make it difficult to know whether the people behind a name are really who they claim to be.
It should be easy to identify governments on the internet, and using a .gov domain shows you’re official. The public shouldn’t have to guess whether the site they’re on or the email that hits their inbox is genuine.
CISA, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, sponsors the .gov TLD and makes it available solely to U.S.-based government organizations and publicly controlled entities. For those that qualify for a .gov domain, it’s available without a fee.
Additionally, using .gov increases security:
- Multi-factor authentication is enforced on all accounts in the .gov registrar, different than commercial registrars.
- We ‘preload’ all new domains, which requires browsers to only use a secure HTTPS connection with your website. This protects your visitors’ privacy and ensures the content you publish is exactly what’s received.
- You can add a security contact for your domain, making it easier for the public to tell you of a potential security issue with your online services.
Check out the registration page to begin.
What does .gov do?
We make it easy to register a .gov domain name and ensure that the name resolves in the global domain name system (DNS). DNS maps easy-to-remember names on top of hard-to-recall numbers, allowing you to use instead of something like or
.gov domains are intertwined with access to public services. That makes the .gov TLD critical infrastructure for governments, citizens, and international internet users. We work to make .gov a trusted, secure space by:
- administering our domain requirements,
- publishing the complete list of .gov domains,
- recommending security best practices, and
- implementing key initiatives to protect the entire namespace.
Get in Touch
Ready to enhance your cybersecurity readiness? Contact us today to discuss how the Office of Homeland Security’s services can meet the unique needs of your city, county, or state entity. Together, let's build a resilient and secure digital future.